Writer’s Blog #7

In our previous classes we have been talking about how to write a pitch. I had no previous knowledge on the steps necessary to follow when writing a pitch for a publication site. The article “How to Craft a Pitch” by Kelly J. Baker was very insightful to read. It taught me the six steps to follow in order to have a well written pitch. It is so important for this pitch to be written well because this is your first impression. The first impression is how people will remember you.

Sophia Ortiz
Sophia’s Digital Writing
3 min readMar 18, 2024


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Step one is to write more than a one sentence pitch. Giving a one sentence response is vague and does not showcase the ideas you have in mind for writing the piece. This pitch is a way to show why you are the best person to write about the topic. You can not achieve this in one sentence especially if the guidelines say to write an article that is around 1000 words. The tone in which you write this pitch should also be similar to the publication’s tone and voice. This is a way for the editor to see if your writing will fit well in their publication.

Step two is to not write too much in your pitch. A good length for a pitch could be around two to three paragraphs. These paragraphs should be short and clearly state your writing plan for the article. Also, take into consideration the length of different articles the publication has published. Your pitch should not be as long as the typical length of articles.

Step three is to tell the editor who you are and what qualifies you as the best person to be chosen to write this piece. This bio should be at most three sentences. Make sure to also add at least two examples of your work. Examples could include previous blog posts, a draft you have written, or a work of yours that was published.

Step four is making sure the topic of your pitch is related to the overall description of the publication. For example, if I am pitching to a publication about sports then I should not write my pitch about education. It is so important to browse the publication and read different articles that have been published. You should not submit a pitch about a story that has already been written. However, writing from a different angle is acceptable but make sure you clearly state that in your pitch.

Step five is to read over the submission guidelines. These guidelines give you direction as to what the expectations of the editor are. Some things stated in these guidelines are how long it should be and the tone that it should be written in.

Step six is making sure you are making the best first impression to the editor. You should follow all the steps necessary to ensure you are crafting the best pitch possible. Describe all the ideas you have for this article. Make sure it is interesting, well written, and will keep the reader engaged. These steps for writing a pitch will help you stand out compared to other writers and help you have a better chance of getting published.

