Google Summer of Code it is….:D

Sarthak Gupta
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2017

The 4th of May 2017 is a historic day in my life. The day when I was selected for Google Summer of Code. This day was also special for me because it gave me the immense satisfaction that I utilized the first year of my college life fully i.e the hard-work paid off!! Also, I was the first one from my college who got selected in the fresher year itself.

I am selected for the organisation known as XWiki. XWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility. XWiki is an enterprise wiki. It includes WYSIWYG editing, OpenDocument based document import/export, semantic annotations and tagging, and advanced permissions management. The XWiki platform is used by various companies for their businesses because it offers many fantastic features under one roof. The XWiki community is very active on IRC (#xwiki) and on the mailing list as well.

In this summer I am given the responsibility to implement the project ‘Glossary Application’.

My project deals with developing a glossary application which will present a list of definitions of terms on the XWiki pages to a user at the very instant and will also allow to add new definitions and make changes to them on the very same page. This will enable a normal user to have a quick knowledge of the terms that are written on the XWiki pages.

Currently, there is no feature in XWiki which allow a user to add definitions and some notes for the words that are displayed on XWiki pages. This glossary application will make it easier for a normal user working on XWiki to add glossary/definition to the word/words for his own convenience to develop a quick understanding of the word/words given on XWiki pages.

People are going to use this application to define the meaning of some very specific words/acronyms/etc that are related to their domains/business (e.g. “open source”, “wiki”, etc).

After releasing the first version of this application, I will be incorporating certain ideas into it like:

  1. Allowing the user to automatically gather info from various pages of XWiki for some glossary items.
  2. Allow using Wikipedia or other sources to automatically gather info about some(depends on the user) glossary items.
  3. Providing an Admin UI for configuring the Glossary application.

I hope this would be a great experience for me.

And now I think I should get back to coding……

Happy Reading everyone!!!



Sarthak Gupta

Striving for excellence with some thoughts and code.