OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart

Start using the OpenAI API in your JavaScript projects today

Ivan Campos
Sopmac Labs
Published in
7 min readJan 19, 2023


Language Translation Example w/ the OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart

Are you ready to take your projects to the next level? With OpenAI API’s state-of-the-art machine learning models, you can:

  • automate tedious tasks
  • gain valuable insights from large amounts of data
  • enhance the user experience like never before

Imagine having the ability to generate responses to customer inquiries, summarize complex documents, and even create original content — all with just a few clicks. Plus, with its user-friendly interface and minimal setup requirements, even those without a background in AI can easily integrate the power of OpenAI into their business. Don’t miss out on this game-changing technology and start harnessing the power of the OpenAI API today with the OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart.

Grammar Check Example w/ the OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart

Integrating with the OpenAI API

The OpenAI API provides access to GPT-3 learning models that can perform a wide range of tasks. GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art machine learning model developed by OpenAI. It is trained on a massive amount of text data and can perform a wide range of natural language processing tasks. With its powerful language understanding capabilities, GPT-3 can be used for a wide range of applications, from content creation to customer service to research, and more. All of this power is programmatically available via the OpenAI API.

By integrating with the OpenAI API, applications can benefit from the advanced capabilities of these models, such as:

  • text generation
  • summarization
  • translation
  • question answering
  • …and more

This can help enhance the user experience, automate repetitive tasks, and provide valuable insights from large amounts of data. Additionally, OpenAI’s API is easy to use and requires minimal setup, which makes it accessible for developers of all skill levels.

Furthermore, OpenAI’s API provides access to cutting-edge technology without the need for an in-house team of experts. This means that small and medium-sized companies can leverage the power of AI to improve their products and services, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Overall, integrating with the OpenAI API can help applications improve their functionality, performance, and user experience while also providing access to state-of-the-art AI technology that can help you stay competitive in the market.

Jumpstart: Why?

The OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart provides an introduction to using the OpenAI API with JavaScript. It includes instructions for setting up an API key, making requests to the API, and working with the API’s response data in JavaScript. The goal of the jumpstart is to help developers quickly get started using the OpenAI API in their JavaScript projects.

The OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart is an entry level skeleton that is a great starting point for any developer, providing a clean and simple foundation for your project. With verbose code commenting, it ensures that even beginners can understand and customize the code to their needs.

Extremely verbose code commenting

And the best part? The jumpstart only uses static files, including HTML, JS, CSS, making it lightweight and easy to work with. All unnecessary complexity has been removed by not including plugins, libraries, frameworks, build scripts, server configs, so you can focus on what truly matters — creating something amazing. Plus, with the option to use either localStorage or a hard-coded API key, you have the flexibility to run the code immediately locally or on GitHub Pages. So why wait?

Fork the code now and start hacking.

Jumpstart Features

When looking to add some AI magic to your website, the OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart is here to help. With its easy-to-use interface and simple features, you can call the OpenAI API and generate responses to sample prompts with just a few clicks. Choose from a variety of GPT-3 models and save your selection to localStorage for repeated access. Keep track of your usage with the built-in character counter and cost per run calculator. Plus, with the option to switch between light and dark mode styles, and a text typewriter effect, your website will be both functional and visually appealing. The base features are listed below:

  1. The OpenAI API Javascript Jumpstart codebase: This is the code that you can use as a starting point to interact with the OpenAI API, it should contain the basic functions and structure to call the API and process the response.
  2. No dependencies: Most JavaScript projects require additional dependencies such as axios, to make HTTP requests to the API.
  3. Sample prompts: Pre-defined sample prompts to test the API and see the results.
  4. GPT-3 model selector: A way for the user to select the GPT-3 model that they want to use.
  5. Character counter: Count the characters used in the API calls.
  6. Light & Dark Mode styles: Switch between the light and dark modes.
  7. Text typewriter effect: The generated text is displayed with the typewriter effect.
  8. Cost per run calculator: Calculates the cost of running the API calls. If you’re looking for more information on OpenAI API pricing, check out the link below.

The Ultimate Sophistication

When it comes to web development, simplicity is key.

With Vanilla JavaScript, you can write clean and efficient code without the added complexity of additional libraries and frameworks. This not only makes the codebase easier to understand and maintain, but it also improves performance and faster load times.

Vanilla JavaScript

Vanilla JavaScript, also known as plain or pure JavaScript, is the core language without any additional abstractions or libraries. By not using plugins, libraries, frameworks, build scripts, server configs, and unneeded complexity, the codebase is simpler, more lightweight, and easier to understand and maintain.

  1. Simplicity: Vanilla JavaScript is simple to learn and understand, making it easier for developers to write and maintain the code. This is especially beneficial for small projects or for developers who are new to JavaScript.
  2. Performance: Vanilla JavaScript does not have the overhead of additional libraries and frameworks, which can result in improved performance and faster load times.
  3. Flexibility: Vanilla JavaScript is more flexible than using a library or framework, as it allows developers to create their own solutions and workflows.
  4. Lightweight: By not including additional abstractions or libraries, the codebase is more lightweight and can be easily deployed in various environments.
  5. Learning: By using only Vanilla JavaScript, developers can better understand the core concepts of the language and how it works, which can help them to be more proficient when working with libraries or frameworks.
Feel free to copy pasta the Jumpstart to begin your learning journey.

A simple directory structure also plays a crucial role in keeping your project organized and easy to navigate. By keeping your files in a logical and straightforward hierarchy, it becomes much easier to manage your code and make updates.

Simple Directory Structure

OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart Directory Structure

The directory structure “jumpstart” is organized and optimized for easy navigation and use. It contains three essential files: “dark.css”, “light.css”, and “index.html”. These files provide the styling and layout for the website, allowing for a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. Additionally, the directory includes the “openai-api.js” file which makes use of OpenAI’s powerful API to add advanced functionality and intelligence to the website, making it stand out among its competitors. Overall, this basic directory structure is designed to enhance the entry level developer experience.

Quick Deployment

GitHub Pages is the perfect platform to deploy your static HTML/JS/CSS project, it’s a free service that allows you to host your website directly from your GitHub repository. With GitHub Pages, you can easily deploy your project in seconds, without the need for complicated server configurations.

Getting Started

OpenAI API JavaScript Jumpstart requires the following:

  1. A valid API key from OpenAI: You will need to sign up for an account on OpenAI’s website and generate an API key to access the API.
  2. A web development environment: You will need a text editor, such as Sublime or Atom, and a web browser to test your code.
  3. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: You should have a basic understanding of how these technologies work in order to create a website and interact with the API.
  4. Location to run your project: You can either use your local computer or a hosting service like GitHub Pages to run your project.

GitHub Pages Deployment

Create a new repository on GitHub and clone the repository to your local machine.

Commit and push any local changes to the remote repository.

In your GitHub repository settings, under the GitHub Pages section, choose the branch and the folder you want to use as the source.

Settings for GitHub Pages

Wait for a few seconds for GitHub to build your pages, and then go to

And that’s it! You now have a static HTML/JS/CSS project running on GitHub Pages.

Together, Vanilla JavaScript, a simple directory structure, and GitHub Pages provide a powerful combination for creating an efficient and user-friendly web application. These tools make it easier for developers to focus on creating something amazing — without the added complexity of unnecessary abstractions or libraries.

If you just want to use the user interface ASAP:

That’s all folks.

All Midjourney Images via @SopmacArt on Twitter.



Ivan Campos
Sopmac Labs

Exploring the potential of AI to revolutionize the way we live and work. Join me in discovering the future of tech