[ANN] Soqqle Fires Up the First-Ever Future of Work Conference, By Students, For Students in NTU Singapore (22 Mar 2018)

Soqqle Digispace
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2018

The event brings high-tech companies to the doorsteps of our next-generation leaders to cast footholds into the tech-revolution.

The Future of Work? Right this Way.

A Future of Work Conference will be held in Nanyang Technological University (Student Activity Centre) on Thursday, 22 March 2018 from 1–9pm. With an alluring speaker lineup of CEOs, Founders and Senior Executives in High-Tech disruptive ventures, the event promises to be a bonanza of inspiration, knowledge and engagement.

Students are highly encouraged to attend. The register link is here.

The event aims to bring to light, a danger none-other then Industrial 4.0. PWC claiming that up to 40% of jobs will be replaced by automation in the form of robots.

The threat is real.

The only way to forge forward is to change how people engage and be better for the future. How else but to bring technological companies at the forefront of this transformation to the next-generation leaders to lead this charge.

13 speakers are lined up with a plethora of high-tech companies, with 11 exhibitors who will show-case their exciting products. Numerous supporters have also stepped up to support the cause, some of which are below.

Speeches and Exhibits start from 1pm and end at 8pm. Attendees can attend at any time for topics that they are interested about.

Topics are designed to engage and help students relate to how they could prepare for the future, and chart a surefire path to be relevant and upscale their passions. Topics include:

  1. Perspectives: The Formula for the next High-Tech Exchange
  2. Captain Blockchain 2020: Consensus Civil War
  3. The Human Renaissance: Cast a Foothold for the Future of Work
  4. There’s an Expert that can tell you how you measure up with your peers. Tip: It’s not a Human.
  5. The New Asset Class: Human Equity
  6. Blockchain for Social Impact — our track towards achieving the UN SDG’s
  7. Augmented Reality — What is it?
  8. The Truth behind Carbon Reduction — Uncovered and Untrusted

Students are highly encouraged to attend, and can register for the event here.

The Future? Right This Way Please..



Soqqle Digispace

Soqqle is a platform that uses blockchain and AI to support purposeful ‘social learning’ with the aim to achieve personal/professional goals.