How to Build a Good Blockchain App?

Pek Yun Ning
Soqqle Digispace
6 min readFeb 9, 2018


Eleven main tips to accelerate your journey!

1. Define your ‘Use Case’

“What part(s) of the blockchain application conveys the most incentive to a user?” is a FAQ. Answering such question sets you in a place to decide budget. It will likewise enable you to decide whether you can do the advancement work internally or on the off chance that you require outside assistance. (Regardless of your eagerness, it’s vital to recall that blockchain is another complex innovation and you will probably confront challenges while building up your app.)

2. Determine Handling Method of your Blockchain Database

A) You can make use of a public or decentralized blockchain platform which is extensively accessible. Anybody can get to transact history, make new transactions, and approve them into new blocks. Ethereum, a notable supplier of a decentralized platform and programming language, is an example. Its platform runs smart contracts and enables engineers to distribute dispersed applications. Fantom, a records administration supplier, records business processes for business and government. Blockstream, a sidechain innovation supplier, concentrates on expanding bitcoin innovation. This organization has additionally begun to explore different avenues regarding giving accounting usefulness — for the most part dealt with by private blockchain — using open blockchain innovation.

B) A private, or permissioned, blockchain infrastructure, taking care of and approving data transactions. These stages are considered financially savvy since they don’t require cryptographic currency mining based consensus mechanism and give full control over transactions within the chain. Furthermore, these systems are extremely appropriate to building complex smart contract business rationale. Monax businesses gives a (“free open source programming”) FOSS permissioned blockchain platform that can run a safe without vpn organize and also smart contract bundles that address for a wide arrangement of utilization cases from finance and insurance to registries and logistics. It is the platform Softjourn choosen for SJ Coins, its inside blockchain loyalty program.

C) A hybrid, or consortium, blockchain platform integrate private and public blockchains and is controlled by a preselected set of nodes. A hybrid platform can be utilized by a group of associations that work together on creating distinctive arrangements. With this kind of blockchain, every association can keep up its protected innovation rights inside the consortium. Dragonchain, for instance, offers everything required to incorporate with conveyed ledger features, including an establishment to develop them. Furthermore, Dragonchain likewise offers a network-wide interface, an effective data dissemination model, and cryptographic capacities.

This data should enable you to break down the available solution and settle on these alternatives:

• Plug into a running, open blockchain: Use an open, open blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

• Create a private blockchain network: Install blockchain programm on premises and run it secretly without open access for outsiders or make a private system with accomplices or put stock in peers.

• Go with a cloud-based solution provider: IBM BlueMix, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure offer blockchain as an administration (BaaS). Monax’s platform is accessible on AWS and Azure.

• Start a public blockchain network: Run your own particular open-to-the-public blockchain instance, which empowers anybody on the net to easily become a node.

3. Test your Idea with a Proof of Concept (POC)

Since you have to show stakeholder that your thought merits putting resources into, you’ll need to consider how to demonstrate your app in your environment as promoted. An effective early acquaintance will encourage leaders with green lighting the venture. (Obviously, you’ll need to plainly comprehend the necessities and desires of all concerned.)

Before beginning a POC, affirm that achievement measurement criteria are clearly characterized and settled upon. Ensure that any redid parts are completed. A POC does not need to cost an extraordinary arrangement, but rather exhaustive readiness and complete are pivotal to the accomplishment of a data migration project.

4. Begin the Blockchain Software Development Cycle

In the course of the progression, make sure the developers have their personal “sandboxes” which they can use to test and modify the app. The scope of a sandbox is well defined in a specialized environment. Sandbox helps to reduce the hazard of technical errors.

5. Run your Blockchain Application

The final stage involves testing the blockchain application before preparing it for sale, if it passes the acknowledgement testing at this stage, the app can then be packaged for sale on various online stores.

What constitutes a Blockchain app?

1. Does at least one thing very well.

Applications need to do one thing very well. Those that focus on a basic idea have to a greater chance an opportunity to succeed. Take Uber for instance. If you expel their focus on black service cars in the good ‘old days, Uber was essentially about getting your ride speedier. Without that concentration, Uber wouldn’t have been as effective as it’s developed. When Uber nailed that one thing, they earned the privilege to add on additional components, like fare splitting, to make it the administration we perceive today.

2. Knows its audience.

A Good blockchain application not just comprehends the one thing that it does well; it comprehends its gathering of people and is intended for them. The pith of the thought should be interesting to its group of audience. It converses with the particular needs of its clients and either offers them something new that they didn’t know they missed or takes care of an issue that user battle with all the time.

3. Stable and fast.

Consider the blockchain applications that you utilize each and every day. They don’t crash, aren’t slow, and do what you anticipate they will do. These applications offer experience like those of default applications put out by Apple and Google — they simply work. We underestimate that, yet it’s difficult to get to that point. Awesome applications are likewise smart and offer quick reaction times. Their users can get in and out of the application and do what they intend to do in only a few taps or seconds

What to AVOID in a Blockchain app?

Too many features.

Bigger is better right? All things considered, not generally and, in the realm of applications, it’s more helpful to think along the lines of “toning it down would be best.” One mix-up that application makers make is throwing in each kind of highlight since it exists. Maybe it’s because of the misinformed thought that your application will then speak to the largest crowd. Bloated applications aren’t useful for anybody, however.

Inconsistent design.

It’s anything but difficult to get lost when designing the different components inside your application. Most application producers have a “by and large” outline area that keeps things for the most part reliable as far as shading palette, yet it merits remembering this palette when settling on new buttons, menu items, or call-to-action inside the application. This likewise sustains into UX, as the spill out of segment to segment ought to likewise stay steady to enable individuals to get the hang of your application rapidly.

Bad logo / icon design.

This one’s quite unforgivable nowadays, yet despite everything it happens much over and over again. Logos and icons are frequently the principal things that potential users see, and on the off chance that they are vague or unattractive, at that point individuals will just continue looking over. Additionally, having awful icons is one of the main reasons that Apple rejects applications from its store. Utilizing words, pixelated pictures, or conflicting colors are all no-no’s for your icon. Words are kept for the logo itself, as usually comprises of your application name and some association with your icon imagery.

