Soqqle pitches in the Hong Kong Fintech Connector “Blockchain Pitch Night”

Soqqle Digispace
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2017

Soqqle shows plans to use digital tokens to capture the masses

The crowd listens closely on the solution that Soqqle brings

[14 November, Hong Kong] Soqqle was the second to pitch in a Blockchain Pitch Night hosted by the Fintech Connector Hong Kong. Powered with Digital Tokens, the smart Social Network aims to encourage purposeful learning within connections to drive humans into the forefront of humankind in the upcoming Digital Revolution.

The platform enables users to learn more about trends, find out who within the network has the same goals, and encourages the users to follow up to action on the goals. To manage the activities, the platform has integrated a task management system to reduce friction.

“I’m driven by the need for humans to be better at what we do, and strive to be better then what we can achieve. “ said Daniel Shen, Founder of Soqqle who pitched on the event. “Today’s Social Networks don’t help to bring us closely to friends. Some say the platforms connect us together yet pulls us apart.”

Attendees to the pitch were receptive to the idea. Many of the attendees followed up to try to understand how Blockchain could be adopted in their businesses. Soqqle is currently building out it’s prototype and aims to release it before the year ends to select beta testers in Singapore.

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Soqqle is a Singapore based Blockchain-powered company that looks to solve the problem where jobs and skills will change, and people need to be able to adapt much faster in the upcoming digital revolution.

Tel: +65 88089364




Soqqle Digispace

Soqqle is a platform that uses blockchain and AI to support purposeful ‘social learning’ with the aim to achieve personal/professional goals.