October 16, 2020, Dev Updates for SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

SPF Dev Update Archive
4 min readOct 16, 2020

The SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet projects are all closely related as they have some relationship to the SORA ecosystem. Therefore, we would like to do a development status update every two weeks for these three projects, in one convenient place. This is the first time we have tried this, so please enjoy!

SORA Dev Update #1

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✌️VAL token distribution and VAL token support in mobile application has been implemented.

🔗 Dev team has updated the SORA-Ethereum bridge. Operations with ERC-20 VAL tokens will be available in the mobile application.

🇮🇹 An Italian language problem in Android application has been fixed and will be released with VAL tokens support.

👷 The QA team is testing VAL tokens and the SORA-Ethereum bridge functionality.

📱 VAL token distribution and SORA-Ethereum bridge will be released on the testnet by October 22th and on the mainnet by the beginning of November.

💥 The SORA NEO mobile application design is being developed. The profile page is complete.

You can find the SORA NEO release dates in the roadmap.

Polkaswap Dev Update #3

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🎎🧪 Community testnet planned to be released in November, with the backend testnet planned for October.

🔲👾 The technical accounts framework is finished; this is the framework that gives us the ability to create accounts controlled by network consensus in runtime (as opposed to users). This is useful for pooling funds for our buy-back and burn tokenomics, for example.

🎛💻 Permissions pallet is done — every DeFi app creator will be able to control her own applications using our new standard permissions framework. This is a custom pallet, developed by our team and contains functions to control and share access to on-chain operations, if needed.

💦 A liquidity source filter is implemented on the backend — it gives the ability to include/exclude liquidity sources from a swap execution path. This is useful for Polkaswap’s liquidity aggregation engine.

💠 Node staking mechanics are implemented.

➰ Two token bonding curve liquidity source implementation is finished — It used for the XOR token bonding curve. It is also planned to have the ability to instantiate the bonding curve with other token pairs in the future. More information on how the SORA bonding curve works, check out this article.

Fearless Wallet Dev Update #7

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Fearless in the middle of the 4th Sprint development, which aims to prepare our early access version for everyone who wants to test the Fearless Wallet app, and we are excited to share our recent updates!

💪 Development for main Wallet features and the Settings tab was completed during the 3rd Sprint (Sept 9-Oct 1).

🎁 Public demo of the 3rd Sprint results was conducted on October 2 at 16:00 UTC+3 (recording and slides: link)

⛳️ Our roadmap is being updated with new features and stages: — Stage 3, focused on Staking (Nominator & Validator), Polkaswap integration, and “Buy tokens via card” feature — Stage 4 focused on Governance, On-chain identity, and other relay chain features

💌 We are going to review, estimate, and submit a proposal for Stage 3 to the Kusama Council in the following weeks

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Public testing (soft-release) of the mobile app is slated to begin on the 23rd of October

📱 Official release of the Fearless Wallet app is planned in November



SPF Dev Update Archive

SORA is working to become a decentralized world economic system, under the democratic supervision of the SORA Parliament. Many Worlds. One Economy. SORA.