How to advance your career in the global music and entertainment business

Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2024

Introducing SORAMI and its platform for the development of human resources -

Photo by Jabber Visuals on Unsplash

1. Making It in the Music and Entertainment Industries

“It’s hard to make a living in the music and entertainment business!”

You have probably heard this phrase many times.
Perhaps after hearing it, you have had the following thoughts, too:

How am I supposed to make a living after I graduate from school?

Is it really that hard to turn what I like and what I am good at into a career?

These thoughts are representative of widely recognized and longstanding problems faced by people who want to study music and work in music-related fields.

With that being said…

Working in the arts, music and/or entertainment are high on the list of career aspirations for students.

More and more young people are going into higher education with the goal of studying to actualize these kinds of careers.

However, most of them are faced with challenges that they find difficult to overcome on their own. Unfortunately, this leads to many of them giving up on their dreams.

Those of us in the art/music/entertainment world hope that everyone who wants to become involved in these industries can engage especially with music — a discipline that inherently makes people happy — in a form that best suits them. Ultimately, we want young people to further develop our industries, by way of which they will contribute to the realization of a rich and thriving society at large.

This begs the question — what skills and knowledge do you need to successfully pursue your music career and actualize your dreams?

That is where SORAMI comes in!

2. What is SORAMI?

SORAMI is an innovative new organization staffed by a team of accomplished multinational professionals. We aim to contribute to the prosperity and development of the music, entertainment and art industries. As an organization, we intend to create a great deal of added value to these industries based on our three foundational pillars — more on those below!

The members of the SORAMI team are passionate; we work with a set of great conviction and personal philosophy in order to bring our vision to life. Our team members have collectively acquired many experiences, skills and qualifications that we would now like to share with music students, including:

  • Extensive experience in A&R for major record labels
  • Music media editing
  • Consulting at a major consulting firm (entertainment/AI field)
  • Completing a Master’s in “Global Entertainment & Music Business” at Berklee College of Music
  • Working on industry-academia cooperation projects and marketing at Tokyo University of the Arts
  • Public relations at an Embassy
  • Judging music competitions

…and, perhaps most challenging of all, raising children as a mother!

We at SORAMI have come up with a metric to determine how successful you can be in achieving and actualizing your dream profession in the arts, music and/or entertainment:

passion x effort x skills x mindset x networking

We strongly believe that the correct combination of these factors are determinative in succeeding in these notoriously competitive industries.

3. SORAMI is here to help

However, we acknowledge that it is not easy for young people to bring the elements necessary for success together on their own. The right environment and the right external support are crucial to make these things happen.

That is why SORAMI has come up with three pillars critical to supporting youth in pursuit of their dream careers across the arts, music and entertainment.

Today, we are excited to announce our First Pillar — a platform for the development of human resources.

We believe that the starting point and the minimum requirement for anyone who wants to become a musician is working with a teacher.

With that being said, the relationship between a child learning to play, for example, the piano and their teacher may not necessarily yield the best partnership.

That is because the classroom is a very closed space. While this is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, SORAMI believes in the idea that teaching can be improved by adding the perspective of a third party. This is the core philosophy of our first pillar, the human resource development platform aptly titled SORAMI.

In short, we help students and teachers to work together as the “strongest duo” possible. SORAMI provides an environment in which not only the students, but also their teachers, can continuously develop.

Students range from elementary school students to university students to working adults and people who want to become artists or professionals in the fields of music, entertainment and art.

The instructors are professionals who are proficient in the following learning subjects offered by SORAMI, including both those who make their living as instructors, as well as those who want to pass down their professional expertise via teaching as their second profession.

SORAMI Learning Subjects:
- Music knowledge
- Career planning/information gathering
- Self-marketing/PR communication
- Problem-solving/self-management
- Presentation techniques
- IT skills
- Financial knowledge
- Knowledge of the music industry (organization, profit structure, etc.)
- Language

In addition to placing students with compatible teachers free of charge, students and teachers can hold their lessons in real-time on the platform. To supplement their live lessons, students can continue their education with a comprehensive library of e-learning videos in their free time.

In this way, students can learn multiple skills required for their desired profession online, and instructors can earn rewards by using their expertise in human resource development. Our goal is to create multiple benefits for both parties.

In addition, one of the paid menus, “Instructional Analysis,’’ provides “opportunities for both students and their teachers to understand where they are in comparison to various benchmarks.” In other words, we want to help stimulate friendly competition for both students and teachers by helping them to understand the gap between where they are now and where they should be.

We believe that by providing and utilizing these services and menus, we will be able to provide students and teachers with the following values:

For students…
Relationship with a good human being as a mentor and supporter
- Self-knowledge through quantitative and qualitative assessment
- Acquisition of different skills
- Development and maximization of own strengths
- Optimal use of time

For teachers…
Detect mistakes made by students
- Using knowledge, skills and expertise in the right place
- Increase student motivation
- Attitude and behavior towards problem solving (student problems)
- Tailor-made approach for students

This is what SORAMI wants to offer to anyone who wants to improve their music education skills.

4. Tell me more about SORAMI

In the coming weeks, we will be introducing SORAMI`s second and third Pillars — please stay tuned!

Although our organization is still in its infancy, we will continue posting articles here on Medium to help people get to know who we are, and what new projects we are up to.

Make sure to check back often!

*The planned launch of the SORAMI platform for the development of human resources is June, 2024. For inquiries on our other services, please contact



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A team that contributes to the development of talent in the music, entertainment and arts industries/音楽・芸術領域の人材育成支援。 11/30第1回ラーニングセミナー開催: