Presenting: Superphysics

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4 min readOct 12, 2019

Our proposed economic system is based on our proposed science of Pantrynomics which in turn is based on David Hume’s ‘Science of man’ which we call Superphysics. This science combines the best and most profound philosophies of the East and the West, and is in between metaphysics and physics, so that all knowledge is divided into three layers:

  • Science — this is the perceivable universe, which includes physics, biology, etc. This is 100% objective and replicable
  • Superphysics — this connects the perceivable with the unperceivable. This is 51–99% replicable. It includes ayurveda, traditional chinese medicine, homeopathy, etc. Rather than call it pseudoscience, we call it ‘superphysics’
  • Metaphysics — this is the unperceivable universe which includes religion and mysticism. This is totally subjective and is not supposed to be replicable: A metaphysician can accept both arguments that God exists and God does not exist because he knows each mind that thinks of those arguments are different.

This new science will be the new or alternative foundation of other sciences as a system, just as what Hume proposed for the science of human nature:

All the sciences have a relation to human nature. No matter how far any science runs away from human nature, it still returns by one way or another. In pretending, to explain the principles of human nature, we in effect propose a complete system of the sciences. This system is built on an almost entirely new foundation. This foundation is the only one on which the sciences can be secured. The science of man is the only solid foundation for the other sciences. (Hume, Simple Treatise, Advertisement)

For example, we create three implementations of Superphysics:

  • Material Superphysics — aims to solve problems that physics cannot, such as faster-than-light travel, time travel, alternative energy sources
  • Medical Superphysics — aims to solve problems that medical science cannot, such as cancer, heart disease, mental issues, etc.
  • Social Superphysics — aims to solve problems that economics and political science cannot, such as recessions, inequality, revolutions, etc.

What is the difference between Modern Physics and Material Superphysics?

Modern physics is limited to the physical world which are sensed by humans through their five senses. An example of a limitation created by modern physics is rocket technology which is expensive and full or problems, keeping humans stuck on one planet when there are billions of planets to explore.

The propulsion systems of NASA and SpaceX are ultimately based on a caveman technology called combustion, under the paradigm of Newtonian Physics. They spend a lot of effort and money in improving a backward technology, which naturally leads to very little results.

To solve this, we add proper metaphysics, defined by David Hume and already known in the Vedas and Bhagavad Gita in the East, to breach the limitation of modern Physics by tapping in directly to the nature or universals of space-time.

The Eastern concept of Sunya, or Hume’s concept of vacuum, is the foundation of the faster-then-light travel and anti-gravitation of Superphysics

Without the knowledge of proper metaphysics and subsequently Atomic Superphysics, such teleportation technology would be unthinkable.

The understanding of this metaphysics will be more easily understood in its first implementation as pantrynomic science, which is under Social Superphysics. Unlike Material Superphysics which requires specialized equipment and unlike Medical Superphysics which is highly regulated, Social Superphysics is mostly behavioural and historical. This makes it cheaper to research and implement solutions for.

For example, one of the end goals of Pantrynomics is economic singularity wherein an ego-less artificial intelligence maps the economy to coordinate supply and demand to ensure that everyone has adequate resources to exist and reach their life goals.

This is similar to the end goal of Material Superphysics which is a space-time singularity map wherein an artificial intelligence knows all space-time coordinates in advance so that it can coordinate spaceships traveling into each location.

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Pantrypoints is a new points-based economic system that allows money, barter, and, eventually, cryptocurrencies