The Solution to Covid-19

Workarounds and Solution from Medical Superphysics

4 min readMay 25, 2020


The Corona virus disease began in January in Wuhan, China just before the Lunar New Year. At that time, it bore all the signs of SARS and so the world was not so alarmed, as China and Hongkong already had experience with such an epidemic. This all changed from February 20 when it spread into Iran and Italy. By March 11, the World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic. As of May 26, or 5 months in, there have been 5.4 million cases and 345, 000 deaths. In 5 months, Covid-19 would have killed a similar amount of people as the military deaths in World War II among the British.

Western Medicine Offers No Real Solution

A big contributor to the huge number of deaths is the inability of Western Medicine to prevent or cure Covid-19. Some doctors think of it as a pulmonary disease, while others as an autoimmune disorder because of its cytokine storms, and still others think of it as a blood disease like dengue because of the stroke that it causes. To them, the best preventive measure is to wear masks and personal protective equipment.

The reason why Western Medicine cannot solve viruses quickly and easily is because it relies on physical observation to prove the nature of phenomena. This is fine when it comes to obvious diseases like clogged arteries or bacterial infection which the eyes can see easily, but not for viruses and mental health issues as the eyes cannot see nanometer-sized particles nor observe another person’s mind. Western Medicine has no scope to believe in anything that is beyond the five senses, making it a kind of reverse dogma which limits its capabilities. A blind belief in spirits and unseen things is bad, but blindly believing that there is nothing beyond the five senses also has bad consequences, especially if it is enshrined into health policy.

Alternative medicine already has cures for Covid-19. Chinese Medicine has Lianhua Qingwen, which is made up alkaline herbs and substances such as gypsum, ephedra, licorice, almond, rhizoma alismatis and rhizoma dioscoreae. Even France promotes nicotine patches, since nicotine is alkaline in the blood. These cures have an effect because the virus relies on grabbing onto certain cell receptors which is then made easier by acidic blood. This is why diabetics and people with hypertension and old age are its easy targets, and why acidic medicines such as Ibuprofen and other Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been discouraged by the World Health Organization.

The Solution to Covid-19

While workarounds such as alternative medicine can prevent the virus from causing damage to the body, they do not stop the existence of the virus. To solve the problem completely, the root cause of the virus has to be pinpointed. By going through the history of epidemics, it is easy to see that they all came after a significant human event.

The pattern of past epidemics show that the more brutal, and more concentrated the suffering imposed by an event, the more probability there is for a serious diseases to emerge. The brutality of the destruction of the Amazon on plants and animals is unrivaled in all of human history, and so Nature responds with a disease that is equally brutal on humans.

With the root cause and metaphysical pattern established, it is easier to propose that the solution to Covid-19 is an international peace treaty with Nature that demarcates certain forest territory​ , specifically in Brazil, Africa, and Indonesia as off-limits to humans. Those countries will complain that such a treaty will destroy jobs and will be impossible to enforce. To address this, the treaty is to be enforced by NATO which can be re-purposed to fight environmental destruction, in addition to its original role of fighting Communism and terrorism. To convince NATO that this is both its moral and practical duty which it should spend its physical resources on, we only have to point out that the death toll from Covid-19 is highest among NATO countries such as the US, Italy, Spain, France, and the UK.

NATO countries are the worst affected by Covid-19 and so they logically should be the most interested to stop the disease

Inaction by NATO in this regard would merely pave the way for Chinese dominance as the Western economies, such as the US, decline around 4% while that of China grows at 4%. Fortune favors the bold, and unless the West does anything decisive, the future will belong to the East.

Update July 2020: The US economy declined 33% and the EU declined 12% in the Q2 of 2020

Update Nov 2020: US Covid cases are at an all time high, just as the Amazon’s deforestation shoots up in October. This strengthens my hypothesis that Covid had its genesis from the US Trade War policy which eventually led to the destruction of the Amazon in 2019 as an alternative source of soy. The rise in UK Covid cases in October also matches the rise in deforestation for that month.




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