Sorare Community Update: Rewards

Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2022

At Sorare, we want to build a product and an ecosystem that is sustainable and healthy in the long-term. This is a topic that we will always take very seriously.

We have heard your feedback for more clarity and have news to share on rewards.

Game Week Calendars

To help you plan ahead and build your strategies, you’ll be able to visit our new Game Week calendars. These calendars will share the Special Weekly rules and the number and quality of card rewards in every division of every league for the next 4 Game Weeks.

The Game Week calendars will be shared across our channels every 4 Game Weeks (every two calendar weeks). The next calendar is here and will show the Special Weekly rules and rewards for GW 260 to 263.

***Calendars are subject to change and updates will be communicated accordingly.

***Details of which players fit into which Tier is subject to change every Game Week.

Card Allocations

In 2022, our target is to reserve up to 40% of our card supply for rewards.

There are many factors that may impact card allocations of particular players, such as scarcity, marketplace events, referrals, side-games, changes to player tiers, licensing agreements and more.

We believe this number accurately reflects the balance that we’re looking for between an exciting competitive challenge and a fun casual experience over the course of an entire season, while keeping the ecosystem healthy and stable.

Tying ETH to USD

Our long term vision is to bring Sorare to millions of fans around the world and in order to do so we need to create a frictionless, stable product that appeals to a broader fan base. A source of concern we hear frequently from our managers is the volatile fluctuations of ETH and their impact on the platform.

We will bring more consistency to your Sorare experience by tying Ethereum to the US Dollar when setting rewards for podium wins and for thresholds.

Here are the ETH reward totals for 2022:

- 205 point threshold will offer $25 worth of ETH
- 250 point threshold will offer $50 worth of ETH
- ETH distributed to podium places will follow a similar conversion rate

These changes will go live at the start of the European Season in August.

We will be monitoring and listening to feedback, looking at the data, and will re-evaluate progress at the end of the year. We can’t wait to see the innovative strategies you build and for you to enjoy what Sorare has to offer in 2022 and beyond.

Re-watch Nicolas’ presentation of our plans for Rewards and our latest Gameplay updates below.




Sorare is a fantasy Football, NBA, and MLB game + marketplace. Collect, buy, sell, and compete with officially licensed digital player cards to win rewards.