Sorare: Football LaLiga Santander Draft Beta

Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2023

Taking inspiration from Sorare: Global Cup, we are excited to test a new league-specific competition with Common drafted cards: LaLiga Santander Draft Beta.

In this beta, Managers build a squad of eight LaLiga Santander players within a 400-point budget cap. Every Game Week, you can select five players from your squad of eight to compete in the LaLiga Santander Draft Beta. The competition opens Game Week 337 (which starts Friday, Jan. 13 at 12pm CET/6pm ET).

Draft Rules:

  • Managers select eight players within a 400-point budget cap
  • A player’s last-15 game score average (L15) determines their points value
  • If a player’s L15 score is less than 40, their budget points value is set at 40
  • There is a maximum of two players from same club
  • Only LaLiga Santander Draft Common Cards are eligible for this competition
  • UPDATE: You cannot use LaLiga Santander Draft Common Cards in other competitions.

XP Growth

Common cards used in this competition will earn extra points (XP) at three times the usual rate.

Card Swaps

As part of our test, we are introducing card swaps for the LaLiga Santander Draft Beta.

Once launched, Managers can swap a maximum of two Common card swaps for their LaLiga Santander Draft squads each Game Week. Here’s how it works:

  • When you choose to swap a card, you will first select the player in your squad that you want to release from your club
  • In return for releasing your player, you will receive the original budget points you used to first draft that player
  • You can then use the acquired budget points along with your remaining budget points to welcome a new LaLiga Santander Common card to your squad

Here are additional Card swap rules to take into account when improving your squad:

  • A player’s accumulated XP is lost when selected for a swap
  • When you swap a card, your current player’s XP does not transfer over to the new player you are swapping for
  • A player’s budget points value will update automatically at the opening of a Game Week

Top-200 Rewards

For the duration of the beta, the top-200 Managers in the LaLiga Santander Draft Beta Game Week Leaderboard will win a Limited card reward.

About the Beta

Please note that the test in this format will run for a few Game Weeks. Once the test ends, we will remove all eight LaLiga Santander Common cards that you drafted or swapped during the test period.

We are running this test to gather feedback and data so that we can continue to build on the foundations we set with the Global Cup. If you have any feedback on the beta, please share it via our Help Centre, on our Discord, or our Twitter. We’re listening!

Thanks for reading and best of luck with your Game Weeks!




Sorare is a fantasy Football, NBA, and MLB game + marketplace. Collect, buy, sell, and compete with officially licensed digital player cards to win rewards.