Sorare Newsletter: Rewards, AFCON, lower bids and more!

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4 min readDec 8, 2021

Hello Sorare Managers 👋

Every two weeks we publish our Newsletter that focusses on product updates and shares a glimpse into what is happening behind the scenes at Sorare. Read below for a review of what we’ve been working on. 📰

Introducing a new hybrid reward system
Over the last few weeks we have introduced tools that allow us to move towards a hybrid reward system. The amount of variables and inputs that our dynamic system used made fluctuations very difficult to manage and predict.

These new tools will allow us to better track our supply and reward rate and to maintain a level of control Game Week by Game Week. We now have a dedicated team that will use these tools to better balance our prize pools across tournaments.

Our prize pools will remain ‘dynamic’ and pre-calculated. However, this new hybrid system brings more consistency to your card winning experience by analysing the number of competitive lineups Game Week by Game Week.

Improving the player valuation system
Our player valuation now considers data for players listed on the market but are not sold. This additional datapoint further strengthens our player valuation system.

Here’s an example of how it would work: A starting keeper is worth 1 ETH. The keeper lost his place and now Managers are listing him at 0.5, 0.2, 0.05 and nobody is buying. Nobody is buying this player anymore and we’re not selling him either. This ensures we don’t maintain the player’s value as 1 ETH and therefore the player goes down the Tiers.

The opposite doesn’t work like this however. If the player is at 1 ETH and nobody buys that player for 2 we don’t count “2 ETH” as the player’s new value. It stays at 1 ETH.

Additional reviews of the Tier system
We apologise for recent issues where players have been placed in the incorrect tiers. This is a result of our valuation system being too cautious when there are significant changes in a player’s value. To address this, we have reviewed our internal process for reviewing tier issues ahead of Game Weeks opening and have a team in place to flag any significant outliers.

We thank you for your support and patience as we continue to make improvements to the system. We will continue to share our progress and monitor your feedback.

What else happened in the world of Sorare?

Get ready for the AFCON:
We’re going global once again. We have expanded our coverage to the African Cup of Nations.

Preventing Accidental Listings:
In case you missed it, we shared our accidental listings update. The goal of this feature was to further protect our community from accidental listings.

New Limited bid Increments:
We have made a change to the bidding increments for Limited cards. Before, the first bid was 0,0001 and the second bid was floored at 0,001 with an increase of 10x.

🆕 This has now been changed so that second and third bid increments are 0,0001.

So the first bid is now 0,0001, and a second bid is floored at 0,0002, the third bid at 0,0003 and so on.

List your cards at a lower price:
Following our Limited Bids update, as of Monday cards can now be listed on the Manager Sales market for a minimum price of €0.60 or 0,0002 ETH.

Removing Lineup building frustration
We have updated the ‘No Game’ button so that when you are building your lineups, it is automatically selected only when a Manager has 0 players with a fixture for that position in the Game Week. If a Manager has players that have a fixture that Game Week, the button is automatically unselected. We have more plans in the works to improve and clean up your Gaming Arena experience.

Missing players incoming!
Following Friday’s player drop of more than 80 missing Jupiler League players, we have two more rounds of missing players to go. Expect a round of missing Eredivisie and Ligue 1 players in the coming week.

That’s it from us for now. As always, a huge thank you for your valuable feedback and input which helped get many of these updates out into the Sorare world. We’ll share our next Newsletter in two weeks time. Best of luck with your Game Weeks! 🎄




Sorare is a fantasy Football, NBA, and MLB game + marketplace. Collect, buy, sell, and compete with officially licensed digital player cards to win rewards.