The Splendor of Ancient Babylon

Magickal Archeology: Incantation Bowls Of Ancient Mesopotamia

Author L Macintyr
Sorcerers Hubb
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2024


How ancient people dealt with Evil in its various forms.

Originating in Ancient Mesopotamia.

Incantation Bowls were said to trap demons and keep ghosts at bay. It was a fairly popular protective folk practice at the time. As such, the incantation bowl is seen with different protective charms, and religious texts, from Early Judaic to Zoroastrian.

Each group can be seen using their own dialectal form of Aramaic and cultural symbolism, crafting the wards within the bowls to match each person’s needs.

Prayers and binding spells were inked in spiral patterns, starting from the rim of the bowl and making way to the center.

After inscriptions were completed, it was customary to draw the spirit or demon you wished to protect yourself from, in the center of the bowl.

It was believed the bowls would trap the malignant energies and the sacred writings would keep them ensnared. As such, it was incredibly important that they were inscribed well and without error.

Once completed, a location would be chosen away from general foot traffic.

Then the bowls would be placed face down, and buried. The most common places to bury the Incantation Bowls was at…



Author L Macintyr
Sorcerers Hubb

Traveling Author, Folklorist and Editor For the Sorcerers Hubb Publication