Faster Convolutions and Cellular Automata in Julia with NNlib: 2.7X Faster than PyTorch*

Rive Sunder
Sorta Sota
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2021

Originally published at on September 27, 2021.

With circular convolutions you can end up back where you started.

In a set of previous posts we implemented Life-like cellular automata (CA) in Julia using the Fourier transform convolution theorem, and compared the execution speeds in the Julia language to a similar implemention using NumPy in Python, and to an enhanced CA simulator built using PyTorch, CARLE. Once the bugs had been cleared out, Julia was even faster than the PyTorch CA simulator for a grid size of 64 by 64 cells. Compare to NumPy, Julia was almost always a little faster.

In this post we’ll ditch the convolution theorem and swap out the FFTW.jl Julia package in favor of NNlib.jl, a library implementing many of the neural operations used by the FluxML project. We’ll only be using the convolution operator, NNlib.conv. We'll be replacing the ft_convolve function

function ft_convolve(grid, kernel)
grid2 = grid
if size(grid2) != size(kernel)
padded_kernel = pad_to_2d(kernel, size(grid2))
padded_kernel = kernel
convolved = round.(FFTW.ifftshift(abs.(FFTW.ifft(FFTW.fft(
.* FFTW.fft(FFTW.fftshift(padded_kernel))))))
return convolved

with a new function implementing circular convolution with NNlib.conv.

function nn_convolve(grid, kernel)
grid2 = circular_pad(grid)
w = reshape(kernel, (size(kernel)[1], size(kernel)[2], 1,1))
x = reshape(grid2, (size(grid2)[1], size(grid2)[2], 1,1))
return conv(x, w, pad=1)[2:end-1,2:end-1,1,1]

NNlib.conv doesn't have a circular padding mode currently, so we will also be replacing a function pad_to_2d that was used to pad the convolution kernel out to match the CA grid dimensions in the Fourier transform implementation. We replace pad_to_2d

function pad_to_2d(kernel, dims)    padded = zeros(dims)
mid_x = Int64(round(dims[1] / 2))
mid_y = Int64(round(dims[2] / 2))
mid_k_x = Int64(round(size(kernel)[1] / 2))
mid_k_y = Int64(round(size(kernel)[2] / 2))
start_x = mid_x - mid_k_x
start_y = mid_y - mid_k_y
padded[2+mid_x-mid_k_x:mid_x-mid_k_x + size(kernel)[1]+1,
2+mid_y-mid_k_y:mid_y-mid_k_y + size(kernel)[2]+1] = kernel
return padded

with a new function circular_pad that performs a 1 cell circular padding operation using array indexing.

function circular_pad(grid)    padded = zeros(Float32, size(grid)[1]+2, size(grid)[2]+2)    padded[2:end-1, 2:end-1] = grid
padded[1, 2:end-1] = grid[end, :]
padded[end, 2:end-1] = grid[1, :]
padded[2:end-1, end] = grid[:, 1]
padded[2:end-1, 1] = grid[:, end]
padded[1, 1] = grid[end, end]
padded[end, 1] = grid[1, end]
padded[1, end] = grid[end, 1]
padded[end, end] = grid[1, 1]
return padded

Convolution with circular padding essentially wraps the cellular automaton grid around a toroid. This makes for a more interesting universe because moving artifacts that exit the universe via one edge will immediately reappear at the oppositve edge. That’s what enables the midweight spaceship an light glider to wrap back around the universe as they reach the edge.

With the padding and convolution functions replaced, the rest of the code remains the same. With this small update in the way convolutions are performed, the Julia implementation is now nearly 3 times faster than the PyTorch implementation for a 64 by 64 grid, and is about 50% faster at 128 by 128 cells. For an edge dimeension of 256 cells or more, however, CARLE is still faster. The next two tables contain the performance benchmarks for each implementation as they stand now, running the Game of Life with a glider patter for 1000 steps.

Another interesting detail about implementing cellular automata with NNlib.jl is that data types matter. Whether you call conv with an integer or a float data type, it will still run. But if you pass in the wrong type you’ll get a warning message, and it might surprise you if you’re used to reading about increased training performance with reduced precision types .

┌ Warning: Slow fallback implementation invoked for conv!  You probably don't want this; check your datatypes.
│ yT = Int8
│ T1 = Int8
│ T2 = Int8
└ @ NNlib ~/.julia/packages/NNlib/PI8Xh/src/conv.jl:206

NNlib.conv with integer data types generates the warning above, and it has a significant effect on performance (although this seems to also depend on grid size). In the figures below, the bar graph on the left represents cellular automata performance with Float32, while the right used Int32.

NNlib Game of Life performance with Float32 (left) and Int32 data types (right).

Laptop CPU

Table of execution speeds on a 4-core Intel i5–6300U laptop CPU

Desktop CPU

Table of execution speeds on a 24-core AMD Threadripper 3960x desktop CPU

*As stated in the title, Julia with NNlib.conv is nearly 3 times faster than the PyTorch implementation, CARLE. CARLE still excels for larger grid sizes, and for 1024 by 1024 cells CARLE is more than 5 times faster than Julia, and about 50% faster with a grid size of 256 by 256. While we made substantial improvements in Life-like CA simulation speeds in Julia by switching from a Fourier transform convolution to NNlib.conv, there are still two obvious speedups available. Although not reflected in the performance metrics above, CARLE gets a substantial boost in execution speed by vectorization (computing multiple CA universes in parallel) and hardware acceleration on a GPU. Combined, vectorization and GPU acceleration yields over 100,000 steps per second in CARLE.

GPU acceleration and vectorization combine to yield more than 100,000 steps per second in CARLE, the celluar automata simulator written with PyTorch.

The next lowest-hanging fruit for the cellular automata simulator I described in this post is vectorization. Much like other neural libraries like PyTorch or JAX, NNlib treats adds batch size and channels to 2D matrices. This means we can fairly simply take advantage of the samples dimension to vectorize our convolution operation so that many CA updates can run in parallel. After that the most fruitful speedups will probably be found by investigating GPU support for NNlib. You can take a look at all the code discussed above at

That’s all for now, thanks for reading. Hope to have you along for the next CA speedup.



Rive Sunder
Sorta Sota

Rive Sunder here. I’m an independent scientist and writer working on evolutionary and developmental machine learning, among other things.