Thomas Paine 🆘️
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2019


“To my fellow Americans,

Perhaps not everyone will agree with the ideas outlined in this article. That may be because things have been wrong for so long that people have accepted it as normal. Some people might be unwilling to accept these ideas since it defies the “normal”, some will even fight, argue in its defense. This, however, soon dies down, the truth will always prevail. Time changes more people than reason.

Eventually, every abuse is called into question. Sometimes it will cause people to question the whole system that provided the power in the first place. The Tyrant of the U.S. has united with Senate, Supreme Court, and Leaderships of all kind, to exercise complete control over everything. But the people of this continent who have suffered because of the abuse of this power have a right to question the claim of this power and the right to reject it altogether.

This article is about principles. Its purpose is not to attack or compliment any person or people. Wise and worthy people don’t need any writings to support their beliefs, and those who lack a sense of justice or are unfriendly will remain unchanged until the pain of their decision changes their mind.

The mission of America is, in fact, the mission of humanity. Many issues have, and will rise, which aren’t just local, but universal, in which the principles of the people around the world are affected. Declaring war on, and attacking the natural rights of humanity should be a concern for every person whose nature has given them the power of feeling, no matter if you’re a victim or not, no matter the class, or party, as long as you’re fighting for principle, for natural rights, for humanity.

P.S. The publication of this letter was delayed to give the Tyrant and partners the time to challenge the Doctrine of Removal. Since there has been either no answer, unreasonable attacks, and final noes in the matter, it’s assumed that this will never be and the time for debate is over.

The author of this article is unimportant, it’s the principles that are what’s important.”

We’ve entered into a new stage, whatever the outcome we must accept that it will take greater risks, necessary sacrifices in order to continue fighting, in order to continue resisting. We have to accept the reality, our struggles are all connected, intertwined by a group of immoral men, oppressors headed by a malignant narcissist, a man who believes he’s a king, an image confirmed by those loyal to him. He is the symptom that symbolizes the disease, the disease being greed, ignorance, apathy, and disgust for progress. The reality we face is one where the Senate will acquit this tyrant, one where Democratic leadership for all they’ve done, will feel reluctant to try and impeach again. Things will turn out to be a modern “Iran-Contra” scandal.

While things look bleak there’s still a chance for total victory, but it requires a unification beyond simple and or short term coalitions. Stop staring at the cave ceiling trying to find the Sun, the only light you need to fight the darkness is already in your hand, the torch is right there, use it. The torch, our torch, is the flame, the light of liberty, of equality, of justice, and of democracy. With that said, it is only through mass, sustained protest can this flame truly burn brightest, but to achieve this we need coordinate with each other, we need to create a coalition, organized in such a way that it minimizes the wasting of resources, prevents power struggles, and both symbolizes our unity, even amplifying it. It would make sense to organize this coalition like a Congress or Senate, a structure familiar to us, with chosen (or elected) representatives representing their respective groups. Once groups agree on forming this body they must then choose (or elect) representatives, no group is allowed to be left unrepresented.

When representatives are chosen (or elected) a schedule must be drawn up for the amount days this body is in session, it is then the duty of this newly formed body (coalition) to vote on the types of mass sustained actions (protests), the funding for these actions, alongside the stockpiling of, and the allocation of resources for those actions. Allow me to make this clear, this body is only to make the coalition more efficient and our Resistance more effective. This can only happen (the coalition and mass, sustained protest) when we’ve accepted the reality, the position we’re in, and when we’ve finally understood that change, is in fact, radical, calling for us to do more, for progress, for justice, for liberty, and for equality.



Thomas Paine 🆘️

When my country, into which I had just been born to was set on fire about my ears, it was time to stir. it was time for every person to stir.