Food Trends with Food-X 2016

7 Food Industry Trends You’ll See in 2016

Andrew D. Ive


After seeing two batches of amazing food startups graduate from FOOD-X in 2015, you’d better believe the program knows a thing or two about what’s growing in the food industry, and what’s becoming… expired.

We asked FOOD-X’s new Managing Director, Andrew Ive, his food industry predictions for 2016. Here are seven trends to look out for.

1. Real Fast Food

Fast food chains will move aggressively away from preservatives and processed food preparation in favor of natural foods.

2. Takeout Food Delivery

The competition to deliver food right to your door will intensify, as corporations like Amazon and Facebook become players in the new consumer battlefield.

3. Self-Preparation Kits

There will be an increase in popularity of healthier, more natural, self-prepared foods in response to delivery competition.

4. Protein Snacks

A wider range of new protein-based snacks and luxury items will appear, as carbs are increasingly avoided.

5. Cannabinoids

Cannabis will be integrated into more foods and beverages, particularly among twenty-somethings.

6. Nutritional & Sourcing Information

There will be a heightened focus on obtaining accurate food-based data.

7. Community & Local

2016 will be good times for local artisanal producers, farmers, bakers and butchers, as local food continues to be the focus of more and more people.

Andrew D. Ive, food industry, Food-X, startups

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Originally published at on December 31, 2015.



Andrew D. Ive

Andrew invests & builds alternative protein & plant based co‘s. Invested in more early stage food companies than any other investor worldwide. Advisor. Author.