Diet Relaxation — Balancing Comfort and Healthy Foods

Sometimes you just have to indulge — don’t fret it!

John Rehg
Soul Attitudes
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2022


Photo by John Rehg

People who attempt to adhere to strict diets often fail. I know this from personal experience where I went on an extremely low calorie diet, only to gain back the weight I had lost within a year after coming off the diet.

It’s why I now eat what I plan on eating normally. I don’t consider it a diet. It’s just my normal eating. And by restricting the time frame daily, I gain the benefit of fasting. It has worked for six months, and I don’t have any cravings for things I might be missing.

At least, not usually.

Comfort once in a while — don’t stress it

Too often, jumping off a diet creates stress — you’re breaking your promise to yourself by eating food you know you shouldn’t. Relax! It’s okay to ‛cheat’ now and then. Just don’t go overboard and cheat every day.

In the photo above, I balanced a comfort food — a Vietnamese donut (called banh tieu) with a cranberry/mint smoothie I found on Dr. Greger’s site, pistachios and walnuts, blueberries and raspberries, and pumpkin seeds. Since it was early in the day, I added coffee for a boost of energy.



John Rehg
Soul Attitudes

Author, publisher, and software developer. I love to write about food, health, spirituality, humor, tech, and travel. I share insights I’ve learned in life.