Living Forever — Immortality Series #1

There’s a simple way to get there

John Rehg
Soul Attitudes
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2023


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Why do people want to live forever? You’d think with all the problems in this world it would be the opposite — we’d want to check out sooner rather than later.

But there’s that unknown.

The richest are spending millions to figure out how to live longer — all the way to infinity if possible — but it’s much simpler than that.

The idea hit me like a ton of bricks, except, fortunately, not like a real ton or I’d be dead and this series would be over before I started it!

Millions of dollars? Or tons of veggies?

I was reading an article that touted the health benefits of arugula. Basically, a review determined that for every 100 grams you ate per day of vegetables in this family, you had a 10% decrease in the risk of death from all causes.

Let’s do the math.

We all have, as far as I know, a 100% chance of death. It’s kind of guaranteed. The family of vegetables that includes arugula also contains broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. All veggies that I like to eat. (It contains others as well, but they aren’t on my fave list.)



John Rehg
Soul Attitudes

Author, publisher, and software developer. I love to write about food, health, spirituality, humor, tech, and travel. I share insights I’ve learned in life.