Liberated by Change

A journey of reflection and renewal

Manali Mitra
Soul Bay


Photo ©2024 Manali Mitra

“The only journey is the one within.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

The café is filled with the aroma of freshly brewed memories; I’m seated in the same familiar corner we once claimed as ours. As Proust said, “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” Time has moved on, and the world outside this café has evolved, but here I am, seated at the unchanged spot where laughter and conversations once held sway.

My eyes are magnetically drawn to the comforting familiarity of the grilled steak salad on the menu. Our culinary debates were always more than mere discussions of taste; they were philosophical exchanges. Despite our differing palates, the playful disagreements infused our dining experiences. But what once delighted my senses has now undergone a profound shift — I, once a staunch carnivore, now find fulfillment in the simplicity of vegetables.

I order the veg soba noodles.

I observe a couple at a nearby table, engrossed in animated conversation, seemingly unaware of the transient nature of their present selves and the passing moment. People, moments, and experiences drift through existence like ships passing through the night, leaving behind trails of ephemeral encounters.

My memories anchor me in this transient flow of existence, granting me the freedom to analyze, reflect, and strive.

The server places a cup of Darjeeling tea before me. I take a sip — the flavor is not quite the same. It lacks the nuanced complexity that I once cherished.

I contemplate the amended flavor — nothing remains static, not even the essence of a favorite tea! Perhaps the altered flavor of the tea reflects the change within me. Maybe the taste I once cherished may no longer align with my current self — a deeper evolution of my personal identity.

I find solace in the perpetual metamorphosis of self.

© Manali Mitra 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Manali Mitra
Soul Bay

Traveler • Storyteller • Experience Designer • Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator • Design Thinking Facilitator • Epicure • Mother