Poetry | Humor | Life lesson

Lid Wars: A Kitchen Comedy

Laughing in the face of lid adversity

Sam Letterwood
Soul Bay


A shining jar with lid on palm
Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

In the kitchen’s realm where jars hold might,
A hero stood, with hunger in his stare,
To vanquish lids, a fearsome, stubborn fight.

The jar, it mocked, sealed tight as if in spite,
Its metal fortress, a challenge so unfair,
In the kitchen’s realm where jars hold might.

Undeterred, our champion armed with all his might,
Grasped the jar, determination in the air,
To vanquish lids, a fearsome, stubborn fight.

He twisted left, then right, with all his sight,
Yet the lid refused, unyielding in its lair,
In the kitchen’s realm where jars hold might.

A rubber grip he sought, to make things right,
Yet still, the jar resisted, a fierce affair,
To vanquish lids, a fearsome, stubborn fight.

With sweat and wit, he battled through the night,
The lid unmoved, a foe beyond compare,
In the kitchen’s realm where jars hold might.

But lo! A twist, a turn, a shining light,
The lid surrendered to his dogged care,
To vanquish lids, a fearsome, stubborn fight.

Rejoice, dear friends, in this kitchen rite,
Where victory tastes sweet, a triumph rare,
In the kitchen’s realm where jars hold might,
To vanquish lids, a fearsome, stubborn fight.

© Sam Letterwood 2023. All Rights Reserved.



Sam Letterwood
Soul Bay

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner