Writing Life/Art of Living/Happiness

Murder of Crows

Definition Cloud, Open Cafe, Catching the Ray

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Soul Bay
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2024


A Murder of Crows, stole the show, Photo_Nefelibata.in

T hat time of the day when a tired
soul finds a chair to place its aching rear
with a ‘whoooof’.
Sky turns on its halogen.

The city, a dim cacophonous canvas
in speeding colours, traffic creating art
A pipe burst to cool the asphalt seething
from summer’s shenanigans.
Ripples by the side walk.

Cafes with painted walls switch on
sending letters to busy humanity
embarking a homecoming.
collective of pigeons flap and fly away.

My window gutted with flashes,
shimmers sequinned with light
Creating a new city stitched from visions
of walking in dreams and flying in imagination.
I open my eyes.

Falling sun sailing through strips
of rainbow bands mixing and splashing hues,
filling cerulean earth shaking the brush to
powder the turquoise sea with gold —
becomes the vocabulary of my thoughts.
A murder of crows cross my vision.

The second my thoughts become round
and my mind enters the dark tunnel in bated anticipation
and a sudden wink of light blaze the horizon —
is a moment to die for.
Yet I live and create.

Above the molecules of definitions
moving away into a world where mattering stops mattering
not even the lavender fields or soft grass
touched by summer and song.
Sorry bees sting the air.

This hour holds a place in my writing-floats
and comes alive when the firmament above
is dressed in moonshine
sprinkling star dust on sleeping trees.
They shine in poetry.

Some days I succeed in bottling
the minutae on paper to lend it life
as the fireflies escape to spread
cheer to a dull cricket-crocking night.
Lantern cabal of the dark.

A triangle-in-a-rhombus-drawing-a-straight-line-through-a-circle could mean happiness
A grumpy-face-of-random-crease-breaking-into-a-slow-cheek-ballooning-straight-line-curving-upwards could be success…..

My ledge a smiling periwinkle
now befriending kaw-kawing
murder of crows

Traffic Art , Photo_Nefelibata.in

“There’s nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.”― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Don’t fret over un-happenings.Keep smiling. Things will happen.

Thanks to AI this video popped up when I finished jotting this poetry in my digital note book. A very sweet story on success and happiness worth sharing. Watch this and see a smile adorn your face :)

