Mindfulness/Writing Life/Art of Living

My Hospital Stay

Never Smelled of Alcohol

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Soul Bay
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Window with a face, Photo_Nefelibata.in © Monoreena

I llness sails like a rudderless ship
looking for a host
I write to my morning omelette
rubber poetry my bland evening soup

I sit above the city
pulling at my kite-mind
my toes touching the gap
between the flashy floor

Wor(l)d(s) outside a distant fade
moving like wind
taxied beyond the glass of sun & rain
nose-pressed trying to look inside
retaining the contours of breath

The glass has sunscreen

Corner chair sits a nurse
writing her medical odyssey
all bones in place, ruptured
tissues mended
monitors beeping a lullaby

My skin don’t peel tears

I splay my tedium and grow
grass on them
healthy green blades
A Gogh-ian vision on projector walls
they paint the clouds with shadow
sun bouncing between the firmament
shards of hope move specs of dust

You smell the sky

Once I rented my sun to the moon
unhappy with impermanence
the moon chose her closet
now locked inside waiting for the
doors to exhale

Re-turning is an idea
loving the vulnerable beast
plucking weeds and sunflower on the way
roadmap of a wordsmith

Who knew even stones are philosophers
turning regular to precious

Yet every time I turn
we speak — me and that window
with a face…

My hospital days
the clock stretched its arms
the walls a chiaroscuro to infinity
and it never smelled of alcohol

Memories of a window, Photo_Nefelibata.in © Monoreena
From the outside landscaping, Photo_Nefelibata.in © Monoreena

“You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination” — Mary Oliver, The Wild Geese

P.S. — A 8th floor room with a wide window happened during my hospital stay. How apparently mundane of the real becomes poetry in mindful moments. I was dying to come back to my writing life, knowing it won’t be long.
It’s helpful to keep a positive mind while wading through difficulty.
A good way to cut the black water.

Looking for some different music to pep up came across this musical band Simply Three.
Nothing new about Bohemian Rhapsody, just that a beautifully arranged cover and dreamy visuals. Just what I was looking for. I know you will enjoy it too :)

Bohemian Rhapsody cover, Simply Three & William Joseph

