Oh! The Real…Imaginary

Cloud-ism, Open Cafe, Un-worded Ray

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Soul Bay


poem: Oh! the real…imaginary, photo by author
Photo/Edit by Monoreena

“The night is still, the water cold,The bait untouched.The empty boat carries home, a full load of moonlight” — Chuanzi Decheng (820–858)

The perceptibility of the imaginary
is a privilege of the classified —

Yet sometimes,
The real touches you
Palpable, present, puerile,
Like it felt today
Hmm…yesterday too —

Lines on moon’s brooding facade,
Laments of a sinking sun,
Sky added to their menu of recipes…

Oh! She did something
freaking right!
To get there amongst the
stars, upon them the moon

A mundane chore
of italicised serf-driving what never extracts…

You ruffle the quieter horizon—
To see the cheetahs laugh,
To see them cry,
To see them whine,
The exquisite amongst
the ordinary,

It’s realer than the real
Noisier than the noise
Shinier than the shine….

She did something right
That things got so real….

The moon looks down through
her window —
Curves a contour on the curtains
Moving shadow of a face….

Shinier than the shine
Noisier than the noise
Realer than the real,

Oh! She must have done somethin’ freakin’ right…..
For things gettin’ so real…..

“Our lives are like plants, floating along the water’s edge, Illuminated by the moon” — Ryokan,(1758–1831)

It’s a gratitude from my Soul’s Bay, to everyone who stops by, engages and inspires!

