Travel Journal/ Thoughts

Reverie Resumed

A quiet return

Manali Mitra
Soul Bay


Photo by the author

“Go into yourself and test the deeps in which your life takes rise;”
Rainer Maria Rilke

Back at my writing desk with an endless supply of Darjeeling tea after a wild three-month ride through life — sorting, traveling, and juggling work and personal time. It’s been quite a trip!

My brain’s like a messy room full of stuff, and I’m still trying to figure out where to put things. Oh, and there’s this nagging reminder — a fractured toe that I dismissed as a fleeting injury. Turns out, I’ve been dancing through life with a fractured toe for the past three months, blissfully unaware!

I took the road less traveled, joyously limping through with that undiscovered broken toe — a clandestine partner in my journey. Now, I’m trying to make sense of it all, hobbling along like life’s one extensive obstacle course. No matter what, just keep on truckin’. Presently, I’m standing at the crossroads, pondering the yesterdays and tomorrows with a newfound appreciation for resilience.

Last many months, work and personal stuff had me on a taut leash. Craving moments of reflection, this journey became my personal retreat. I found solace in the beauty of opera, art museums, and quiet park strolls. Whether lost in a book on the grass, meeting old friends, or collaborating on impactful projects with positive souls — each moment left a lasting emotional imprint.

Now I feel a bit more accessible, toe and all healing on its own. Like Frost said, “You have freedom when you’re easy in your harness.” So, here I am, easy and harness-free, figuring out how to put these experiences into words.

Even when the fatigue set in, my travel journals persisted. In this mess of memories and thoughts, I’m reading through the scribbles of my beautiful experiences and reflections of last three months, and again, it becomes clear that wisdom is earned only through experiencing the complexities of life.

Excited to share some snippets with you soon. Stay tuned!

A big thank you to Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar for breaking the silence and finally hitting publish on the prelude after a long hiatus!



Manali Mitra
Soul Bay

Traveler • Storyteller • Experience Designer • Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator • Design Thinking Facilitator • Epicure • Mother