
Shadows in Open Water

Cloud smiles, September Cafe, Catching the Ray

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Soul Bay
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022


Photo/Edit by Monoreena

“Its comforting to know we sleep under the same moon, even if she is much older when she gets to you. I like to imagine she’s seen you sleeping and wants me to know you’re doing well”-Clementine Von Radics

Did you try and build a dam through air ?!

You befriend the sky and fear the lull,
When the sun disappear and moon’s so dull,
The wedgewood turning cerulean,
Stars in trapeze herculean,
The fear of surviving the night,
All consuming shadows in white,

Instead, let’s walk the night in the forest,
Where, hissing rain lashes in torrents,
Bed of leaves all drenched and soggy,
Hurt ’n brown their heads O! so groggy,
That is how the forest creates its music,
Harsh nights of symphony that’s unique,
Groaning woods, wheezing cricket,
Composing melody that live decades,

Storm ends the night, from soul’s cirque
rises the dawn,
The forest ends in the mouth of
water drawn,
Flowing wind creates unheard ripples,
Floating in synch a leaf of maple,
New sun shines gold ’n molten,
Storm of the night now all forgotten……

Let your coffee brew a little more,
When the moon shines on sky’s corridor,
The earth below blinks in LED galore,
Saying goodbye to day’s mundane chores,
Washing away exhaustion standing
by that window,
Twinkling night bows to life’s circling echo,

Fumes from cup wriggle like dancing ghosts
A busy puff brush past your spooky nose…

Did you try ’n fist it?! once told threadbare,
It’s futile to construct dam through air,
Let’s twirl aimless on its road to where(?!)
It will take its course, we unaware,
You, me and all will survive the night —

As shadows on open water will,
make poetry all right!

September Cafe: “I can only wash your tears,but I cannot calm your storm when I, myself, can’t even stop my rain from pouring.”― Verliza Gajeles

Usually September should bring with it, blue sky, cotton clouds, bell chimes for festivities, garden full of new blooms, but don’t know what’s wrong with the world right now. Or maybe, I am missing it. Whatever it is, thought some positivity is good to come back to after a spell of health annoyance.
Did I succeed — It’s for you to tell!

Not many days do you read things you know you have to share. The first one is a ‘horse’s mouth’ account of a care giving mother of a chronically ill child, by Marilyn Glover, where each word spoke to me. Read her Here.

I believe in speaking on behalf of so called “minority” community,as I myself belong to one. But some words become so powerful in themselves that they enhance the voice and the cause to a point you are dumbstruck.Find none other than Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) and her prolific column Here.

Last but not the least, this wonderfully written Speculative fiction by Franco Amati is a treat. Read this maverick writer Here.

It’s always nice to come back to Soul Bay rejuvenated. Hope the spell continues with your presence, encouragement and engagement!

