Sub lunae lumine

A poem inspired by the quote : “I have made a pact with the night, I have felt it softly healing me. ”
Aimé Césaire, The Collected Poetry

Nitya Sharma
Soul Bay
2 min readOct 4, 2023


Art by Edward Miller on Tumblr

I slip past from the clutches of the day ,

from the slowest seconds of sorrow that stay

from the grasp of time that turns me into it’s prey

and from those deepening shades of illimitable grey

I softly gaze at my wounds under the Moonlight ,

at the covert scars which reflect the wrong and right

like blazing stars sewed upon the dark cloak of the night

how ironic does this world seem in shades of black and white

I let the breeze gently soothe my heart ,

if Mother Nature was an artist , then wouldn’t Life be her art?

how comforting her caress is ; as if she plays my mother’s part

she heals those melancholic fragments that faded to break apart

I let myself befriend the dark of the night ,

as October approaches swiftly to set the fire in my heart burn bright

I hope to reach the flickering auburn glow at the far end of my sight

all the while as the twilight heals my mind and strengthens my might

©️ Nitya Sharma 2023. All rights reserved

Gratitude note :

Dear reader , it feels as if an entire season has passed by since I last published a poem here. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the same. I am forever grateful for the support and love that I continue to receive on this platform. Your kind comments , reads , shares and follows never fail to brighten up my day! Thank you for your patience and understanding , dear reader.

My special thanks to Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar , thank you for inviting me to write for Soul Bay!

From the poetess :

I feel as if this piece of poem isn’t my best work ; however , I tired to take out time and write a stanza or two whenever words came to me.

Dear reader, this poem is for the silent warriors of the day. This poem is for you and for me. When this world seems to be draining someone out , taking time out to look after oneself and replenish oneself mentally and spiritually becomes crucial. Hoping that this poem reminds you that it’s okay not to be okay , and that taking out time for learning acceptance and learning the act of letting go is okay too.

Thank you for your kind company. Until next time , take care.



Nitya Sharma
Soul Bay

Student of Life. Learning poetess who is seeking her purpose. Instagram poetry blog : @nityavachanam