The Café Chronicles

Philosophical reflections while working from a café

Manali Mitra
Soul Bay


Photo by the author

Amidst the café’s murmur,
Brubeck plays in the background,
The Cappuccino, once warm
Succumbs to the cold.
Eggs in Purgatory —
A crimson sea of marinara
In a liminal state.
My laptop languishes
In an existential fatigue.

I lift my gaze.

Amidst the theater of shared existence
And mingling destinies,
Lovers are engaged in dialogues —
Hegelian dialectic of passion and reason.
Business partners negotiate —
Kantian categorical imperative
Building bonds amid transactions.
The lone guy fixated on his screen
Typifies a
Cartesian cogito
“I think, therefore I am.”
The ensemble at the adjacent table
Share their stories —
Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence.
The servers in a Sisyphean struggle
Carrying trays and aspirations
Tirelessly propelling the hill of demands.
Bentham’s pursuit, the café owner
Skillfully wields a utilitarian pragmatism.

In this cafe’s theater
where lives pleach —
Phenomenology’s nub.
After the silent observer’s quest
I return to my musings —
Kierkegaard’s exploration of the self.

"May I clear your plate?” the server interrupts,
Eggs of Purgatory depart—
A cycle now complete,
A canvas wiped clean.

I summon a fresh course,
A philosophical rite,
The story of
flux —

Brubeck’s piano and Desmond’s saxophone ring out.

© Manali Mitra 2023. All Rights Reserved.



Manali Mitra
Soul Bay

Traveler • Storyteller • Experience Designer • Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator • Design Thinking Facilitator • Epicure • Mother