poetry can be a monster with words that are razor sharp like claws ,

with fangs as terribly terrifying as truth among the lines of flaws

I feel it scratching it’s way out from the pit of my stomach slowly ,

that home to anxiety who is but a guest unwanted and lonely

upon hearing these revelations in the middle of the winter night ,

how the poet beholds poetry like a mirror of wrong and right-

it is when that mirror shatters and the opal tiles are shaded crimson red ,

when your heart is stripped naked by the words of a writer who is gone and dead

how the world around you quietens down and begins to dissolve ,

when you hold that paper of poetry like a holy prayer of absolve-

then such sincere devotion to the words comes weeping down your eyes ,

as you finally begin to hear and understand yourself and the angels above cry

poetry can be a gentle stag with words as soft as the mid july rain ,

with it’s words as loving as the eyes of the stag that help in healing the pain

how I wish to cross paths with it while wandering the woods in my mind ,

deeper I’d stroll among the trees and leave a string of words behind

(to leave a string of words behind while wandering in the woods of my mind)

©️ Nitya Sharma 2023. All rights reserved.

Gratitude note :

I warmly thank you for taking out the time to read my poem. Your words of praise always encourage me to write more and in better ways than before. This way , I always keep learning as a writer. I feel grateful for each follow, read , share and clap I receive on this platform.

Poetry synopsis:

I’ve been trying to wait for poetry to come knocking at my door. Maybe I just haven’t been able to make time out for my best friend. For that part of me , which not only defines who I am but also never fails to push me to become who I can.

Poetry is the salve to those wounds that begin to bleed in the quiet moments of the twilight. It is like a warm embrace when you need one the most , like a cool passing breeze that plays with your hair just to see you smile.. and so much more. This is my apology to poetry for not being able to be there for her ; when she has been there for me , for so many times more than I can begin to count.



Nitya Sharma
Soul Bay

Student of Life. Learning poetess who is seeking her purpose. Instagram poetry blog : @nityavachanam