Change Your Life By Taking A Step

Candra Adia
Soul Connected
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2017

Take the step that requires you to have faith.

The only step worth taking is the one towards faith. You know, the one that’s a bit scary and doesn’t make logical sense.

The things you can’t see yield the greatest rewards. When you take a step in faith you’re showing life that you trust her to catch you. When you take a step in faith you’re letting go of your limited view and opening up to the things you can’t see or imagine.

When you step out in faith God will always meet you there.

Candra Adia writes daily musings on the perfect imperfections of life here in Soul Connected. Receive one every morning to read as you start your day by clicking here to subscribe.



Candra Adia
Soul Connected

Working at being human in life just like everyone else. I write often so I guess that makes me a writer.