I’m Still Finding My Way

Candra Adia
Soul Connected
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2017

It’s not easy. Life is a constant journey, with challenging navigational choices along the way.

I guess part of it is my fault. Since I refuse to settle for mediocrity things are very rarely exactly the same.

Just when I think I have a part of the journey figured out something comes along that shows me I don’t. Just when I decide to go left things shift and the only door open is right. Just when I think things make sense everything decides to change.

I’m constantly stumbling to find my footing, constantly being stretched to find my way. I’m caught up in the gift of life.

When we’re in this place things get uncomfortable. We lose orientation and up starts to feel like down and left and right seem to be one in the same. It’s not what we’re used to. Everything feels like quick sand and we long to be on solid ground. Stability, clarity and being self-assured are things we crave. It’s easy to get tired; tired of being uncomfortable, tired of being unsure and tired of life’s idiosyncratic pace.

In the moment we think we want out.

It’s easy to forget you’re exactly where you need to be. It’s easy to forget you’re getting exactly what you seek — change. If you’re finding your way it means you’re uncomfortable and if you’re uncomfortable it means there has been change. It means somewhere along the way you chose differently and now you’re dealing with the aftereffects; being unsure and maybe afraid.

Nothing happens if nothing changes.

You’re here because you followed the path or decision you felt was best for you. It didn’t necessarily make logical sense and that is why you’re finding your way. You’re on unsure ground. You found the area outside your box and you decided to go there. In this uncharted territory you will always be finding your way.

Sometimes things won’t make sense, and it will require a great deal of faith. Trust that there is no right or wrong, just different paths. Know that every decision you make is right because you made it. Each decision has lessons specifically for you; the lessons you need along your way.

Finding your way can be difficult, unnerving and arduous; but it can be exciting, character building and rewarding too.

Don’t lose perspective. If you want to do great things, if you want to achieve your definition of success, then finding your way is a beautiful place to be. It means you’re growing. It means things around you are changing. It means you’re being challenged. It means something is happening.

I’m still finding my way and when I’m not something’s wrong. When I’m not things have cease changing.

Candra Adia writes daily musings on the perfect imperfections of life here in Soul Connected. Receive one every morning to read as you start your day by subscribing below. Want to know more about her? Visit candraadia.com.



Candra Adia
Soul Connected

Working at being human in life just like everyone else. I write often so I guess that makes me a writer.