
Candra Adia
Soul Connected
Published in
1 min readOct 23, 2017

I’m waiting…

Waiting to touch you, taste you, feel you.
Waiting to know you
and for you to know me.
Waiting for our souls to come together
and our bodies to intertwine.
Waiting to see you smile.
Waiting to feel your happiness…sadness…and everything in-between.
Waiting for the opportunity to share our lives together.
Waiting for the lessons, disagreements, laughter and pain.
Waiting to amplify his star
and for him to amplify mine.

Waiting for eternity.
Waiting for intimate bliss.
Waiting for a connection that transcends this human experience.

I know you’re out there,
you’re in my heart,
we’re connected…

I love you.
And I’m waiting for the day we meet.

Candra Adia writes daily musings on the perfect imperfections of life here in Soul Connected. Receive one every morning to read as you start your day by clicking here to subscribe.



Candra Adia
Soul Connected

Working at being human in life just like everyone else. I write often so I guess that makes me a writer.