It Takes More Than “I” It Takes “We”

Candra Adia
Soul Connected
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2017

I started out wanting to change the world,

I tried and I only changed me.
Then we got together to make a difference,
and together a difference we will see.
To change the world or any society,
is not a one-man show.
To change the world takes me with we.
One man can be the catalyst that starts the revolution, but he can’t finish it alone.

Candra Adia writes daily musings on the perfect imperfections of life here in Soul Connected. Receive one every morning to read as you start your day by clicking here to subscribe.



Candra Adia
Soul Connected

Working at being human in life just like everyone else. I write often so I guess that makes me a writer.