There’s No Such Thing As “I Don’t Know”

Candra Adia
Soul Connected
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2018

I’ve come to see in life that there really is no such thing as “I don’t know.”

When it comes to your own life you always know what’s best for you and you always know the answer. Your mind may not know in that moment, but your soul ALWAYS knows. Unfortunately, most people have so much mind chatter that they can’t hear their soul.

Don’t mistake your mind chatter, which is anchored in fear and foggy confusion, for your soul. You’ll have to get still and go past the internal noise to hear the voice of your soul.

You may not like what your soul tells you; it may not be an easy solution or the answer you want to hear, but your soul won’t steer you wrong. Your soul always knows what’s best for you.

Hear it. Trust it. Follow it. And watch things greater than you can imagine unfold.

Candra Adia writes daily musings on the perfect imperfections of life here in Soul Connected. Receive one every morning to read as you start your day by clicking here to subscribe.



Candra Adia
Soul Connected

Working at being human in life just like everyone else. I write often so I guess that makes me a writer.