Thieves Can’t Take What’s Yours

Candra Adia
Soul Connected
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018

What is meant to be yours is yours. Nothing and no one can change that. What is not yours was not meant to be yours.

It’s really quite simple.

No one can take away from you what is meant to be yours. If something gets taken away from you, no matter the situation or circumstances under which it was taken, it was no longer meant for you. If it were meant for you it wouldn’t be able to be taken away.

This is a hard concept to grasp and keep in perspective when you feel you lost something that should have been yours or when you think someone has stolen something (or someone) away from you. During these times it can feel as if life has been unfair by allowing something you felt was rightfully yours to be taken away. But, the real truth is if it was taken way, it was no longer meant to be yours.

No one can steal your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend away from you. No one can get a job that is meant for you. No one can execute an idea that you are meant to bring to fruition. No one can buy the house you are meant to live in. No one can live the life that is meant for you.

Nothing can be drawn into your energy field unless it’s resonating with you on some level. Once that person or thing no longer resonates it will cease to be in your life. You may not like the circumstances under which it was removed and you may be having a difficult time with acceptance and letting go do to the circumstances. Those reactions are all perfectly normal and a part of being human. However, when it comes down to it, the reason the person or thing was removed, stolen or taken away is because it no longer contains energy compatible with your space.

If you try to force it to return and stay in your life you will have to alter your vibration for it to remain. If you choose alter your vibration in order to hold onto something life is trying to take away be prepared to suffer. When you consciously make the choice to hold on you are choosing to resist the flow of life; you are choosing to swim upstream making life more difficult.

Everything that is meant to be yours is available to you and only you. When it’s not available to you anymore energy frequencies have shifted and it’s time to let it go; it’s no longer meant to share your space.

Candra Adia writes daily musings on the perfect imperfections of life here in Soul Connected. Receive one every morning to read as you start your day by clicking here to subscribe.



Candra Adia
Soul Connected

Working at being human in life just like everyone else. I write often so I guess that makes me a writer.