10 Animated Films and Shows That Explore Spiritual Concepts for All Ages

Animation as the gateway to a higher purpose

Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft


Photo by Aleksandr Skobeltcyn on Unsplash

Welcome to the world of animation, where colors dance and characters come to life. But beyond its striking visual appeal, it offers a strong and often overlooked ability— the ability to spiritually awaken both children and adults.

Contrary to the misconception that animated shows are only meant for entertainment, we can find treasure trove of narratives that delve into the deepest truths of life.

I’d love to introduce you to ten animated movies and shows that serve as catalysts for awakening the spirit, proving that the quest for meaning and understanding knows no age limits.

From the innocence of childhood to the wisdom of adulthood, you’ll find that these films and shows illuminate the path to a higher purpose for both children and adults through the mesmerizing art of animation.

So, are you ready to explore them? Sit back, grab a drink, and let’s get started!

Photo Source: NextShark

1. Avatar: The Last Airbender



Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at angelinaderarakelian@gmail.com 💫