10 Spiritual-Awakening Movies You May Not Know About

A breakdown of films for your soul

Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft


Photo by Carson Arias on Unsplash

A movie is a projection of a world that we choose to indulge in for a specified amount of time. In that amount of time, we’re given the ability to link ourselves to a particular character, or situation that we’re presented to. In other words, films have the tendency to make us switch our perception of space and time, and for a brief moment, think and reflect on the stimulus, or subject being served to us.

Movies offer an escape from the world we’re accustomed to seeing when we wake up every morning.

For spiritually awakened people who are naturally curious beings, this insight into a world different from our own is a great way to satisfy our hunger for a deeper understanding; a revelation; some form of truth.

Almost any movie, when seen through the eyes of a spiritually awakened person can be perceived as a spiritual-awakening one, given the overt, sometimes discreet messages hiding beneath them.

Yet some movies tend to offer such exquisite access to a universal truth, that they cannot help but be labelled as such from the onset; ones that are worth watching for anyone who enjoys a movie that will leave them gazing at the starlit sky, appreciating that they just learned something that answers a…



Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at angelinaderarakelian@gmail.com 💫