An Ode to the Covid Life

Vanessa Powell
Soul Craft
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2021
Photo by the Author

“Stay in your home, locked away
You can’t go out and play, they say
You stay far, far away from people
And the ones on the other side, will call you “sheeple”
Keep your distance, Wash your hands, These were the world’s starting commands Wait, wait, wait, we have a new task Don’t forget to wear your mask,

Your world has turned upside down
Your smile has faded to a frown
Things get worse before they get better
So you continue to sulk in your warm sweater
Don’t eat out, go to bars or to the gym
Or your contraction rate looks grim
Keep your distance, Wash your hands, These were the world’s continuing commands Come on people, that’s not how it goes Please, wear your mask OVER your nose!

Here we go! Oh yes, It’s great!
Phases of reopening were now up to date!
But is it safe? We questioned this a lot…
We tried to do normal stuff, or so we thought
but in and out were our best shot
It’s been a year since it has all shut down
but I still don’t feel safe in my small little town

I created, I crafted, I learned new things
And for that I am grateful to grow my wings
I slowed down and paid attention to time
and also found that long lost dime
you know the one I mean?
It’s stuck in the couch, thought never to be seen
I rearranged the rooms in my house
I even learned how to be quiet as a mouse
Keep your distance… Hold on wait I’m too busy putting on all this weight

I started cooking more food at home
I’m not ready to come out of my dome
Ok Ok, it’s time to get outside
Dust of the bike and go for a ride
I’m starting to feel more like myself
It just takes time to adjust oneself
The world is weird and may never go back
And that’s ok, because I think I’m starting to feel back on track.

Photo by the Author

Originally published at

Vanessa Powell



Vanessa Powell
Soul Craft

I am a portrait photographer, graphic designer, creator extraordinaire. I suppose I am dabbling in writing too 😊 | 721vanessa Photography |