Characters Change Like Seasons

Humans are part of nature after all

Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft


Photo by Olivia Spink on Unsplash

Summer whispered in golden hues
A warmth that promised it would last
But like a lover with wandering views
Its passion faded, and then passed

Autumn arrived with a breath of spice
A lover cloaked in crimson and gold
It danced with fire, seduced with ice
But soon grew cold, its charm grown old

Winter came, all stark and bare
A frigid touch, a biting kiss
It wrapped the world in a frosted stare
Yet even this, we did not miss

Now Spring appeared, a tender bloom
With promises sweet, of life anew
But its beauty, too, was a fleeting perfume
A quick touch, then gone from view

Like hearts that change with every breeze
The seasons shift, no bond holds tight
What once was warmth can turn to freeze
And day gives way to endless night

We are like seasons, you and I
Our hearts as fickle as the sky
What once was love can fade, can die

