If You Want to Attract Money, You Need to Understand Its Energy

Then, it starts to flow to you naturally

Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft


Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

What if I told you that not everyone has trouble with money? What I mean is, not everyone complains about not having enough, or craving more of it.

Why is that? They happen to align their energy with money’s.

Money has been one of the most taboo topics to discuss in modern society for some time now. It used to be spoken about by our ancestors back when wealth determined someone’s worth and value to society. It still does, but today, it’s controversial to speak about it to your friend, or your next door neighbor.

Today, money is the most private matter of all. Just like talking about sex, it is a topic that is best not mentioned about at all. But like sex, which forms an integral part of life, money is seen as this obscure topic that should not be spoken about.

Why do we privatize matters that form an essential part of who we are as a human species?

Fear, perhaps. Sex, and money, have been at the forefront of much of humanity’s actions since it first came into existence. Their energy is one that is overwhelming, so even talking about it places us into a trance that we’re eager to escape.

Starting From a Child



Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at angelinaderarakelian@gmail.com 💫