Soul Craft Submission Guidelines

A Home for the Vulnerable, the Broken, and the Dreamers

Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft


Photo by Miguel Salgado on Unsplash

The purpose behind Soul Craft

The publication was created to provide a home for any writer who feels the need to express themselves in a way that exposes their very soul. Raw and unfiltered. In an ever-advancing society, more and more people are being swept by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, forgetting to take the time to understand themselves and where they stand in the world; what their purpose is; what they are doing with their time on Earth.

More than a writing platform, Soul Craft aims to be a space for enabling heartfelt and sincere discussions by people who will form part of a community wanting to open up about their innermost observations of the world.

Ultimately, its purpose is to show that we are one world, sharing the same experience albeit in different ways.

Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

The Type Of Content Being Searched For

We would like to see pieces that come straight from the heart. In summary, this is what Soul Craft seeks:



Angelina Der Arakelian
Soul Craft

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at 💫