Ayodhya Diaries: Bridging Generations at the Birthplace of Lord Ram

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10 min readMar 11, 2024
Cherished moments with my daughter at the serene Ram Temple

One weekend, I asked my daughter if she wanted to visit Ayodhya. After all the media coverage of the past few weeks, I was intrigued by the magnificent new temple of Ram Lalla and wished to see it… Something in me was drawn to this site of historical and spiritual significance.

Being familiar with the travails of temple tourism in India, I downplayed the whole trip and warned my daughter to be realistic in her expectations.

It had been two years since my last spiritual sojourn to Kedarnath — not an easy one for sure but definitely fulfilling. The link in my spiritual travels had been broken, and it was time to get back to it.

The world was talking about the temple, and since I had already visited Ayodhya before, I wanted to see its transformation post the inauguration of the new Lord Ram temple.

However I didn’t want to force my teenage daughter, who had holiday ideas of her own. So I let her make an independent decision. She contemplated and said yes. Thereafter, tickets were booked and bags were packed…

Father and daughter were all set for Ayodhya — the birthplace of Lord Rama.

The flight itself was a memorable one…packed with gleeful faces. The excitement and energy was palpable. People were ready in their temple attire, wearing traditional clothes and chanting hymns of Lord Rama. One could also hear the Hanuman Chalisa being recited by many.

There was devotion bursting on that plane. My daughter had a cultural shock. She had not experienced something like this before.

While chatting with my passenger, he informed me that real estate in Ayodhya has appreciated due to the newly built Ayodhya temple, and malls, multi-plexes, and new hotels were on the cards.

My daughter and I grinned from ear to ear, as we sang along and chanted with fellow passengers. Some part of us was taken aback, but we should have expected it, as we were going to the birthplace of Lord Rama.

Ayodhya is all about “Jai Shree Ram!”

As the chanting was loud, we couldn’t sleep on the flight, so I continued my conversation with the neighboring passenger. He enlightened us about the significance of the Ram temple. The controversies around it may have been many, but what stands out is that it has united all Hindu devotees.

There may have been political or financial motives behind the construction, but that’s true of anything nowadays. Why not look at the positives instead, and the fact that it has uplifted the faith of many Hindus!

We soon landed in the brand-new Valmiki International Ayodhya airport. We were fascinated by the beautiful line of paintings that told the story of Indian culture and heritage. This was a great idea as the airport would see several international travelers in the coming years.

Touted as one of the most sought-after spiritual destinations in India, Ayodhya has been spruced up in its new avatar.

We were slowly being immersed in the world of Lord Rama. First the chants on the flight, now his tale told through paintings… I couldn’t wait to see what was next. Everyone’s phones soon came out for selfies against the backdrop of the paintings.

The road from the airport to the hotel too was newly paved. The cab driver excitedly told us about the recent developments in the sleepy city, and how for the first time in their lives that they’re seeing such an influx of tourists and pilgrims.

On reaching the hotel, the hotel owner was delighted to meet people from “big cities”. He quickly arranged a meal as he knew we were ravenous. He told us that, though he was from the minority community, his business had boomed since the inauguration of the temple. He had plans to setup not one but 10 more hotels in the coming years.

Many new schools and hospitals were also in the pipeline and everyone was happy with the progress in the temple town. The new temple was providing more livelihood opportunities to locals.

It indeed seemed like the times of the “Rama Rajya” — the glorious era during which there was ideal governance and progress, a land where everyone was happy. The hotelier also told us that people had actually experienced more peace and harmony in the town after the temple was built.

Being educated in English-medium schools, with syllabuses that are largely influenced by the British, my daughter and I were both a bit skeptical. But, perhaps, due to my spiritual journey, I was more accepting of the fact that there is always a story behind a story, and that one should not accept history or so-called “facts” at face value.

Exposure to Ayodhya was a great learning for my daughter.

She could see firsthand that building a temple needn’t be divisive… It can, in fact, unite people and create a flourishing economy. This insight would encourage her to question and research everything taught to her.

Chewing on those thoughts, we stepped out for our first temple visit. Since, it was already evening and the Ram Lalla temple would be very crowded, we chose to visit Hanuman Garhi instead. Hanuman is the animal deity, who helped Lord Ram rescue Sita from Ravana.

Legend has it that his brave spirit was displayed when he fought tough people and climbed the steps of this ancient and revered temple in Ayodhya. They say a visit to this temple is a must before visiting the Ram temple. Our guide knew the local priests and helped us move through the crowds to get a quick darshan of Lord Hanuman.

Many people around us were talking about how they had visited this temple many times before, and seen most of their wishes come true. But my guru has taught me to only ask for blessings and let things happen naturally.

My daughter was taken aback by the crowds, but the devotion on their faces was evident. The great thing about places of worship is that they bring together all classes of people, and all are put through the same grind to reach god.

A glimpse of the majestic Lord Hanuman at the Hanuman Giri Temple

Lord Hanuman is like the gatekeeper for Lord Rama.

So, after seeking permission from Lord Hanuman to visit Lord Rama, we were ready for our next temple visit. The energy and excitement was building up inside us as we anticipated our encounter with Lord Rama.

We had heard so much about it, seen visuals on TV, and now it was finally culminating into a reality. We walked through narrow by-lanes to get to the Ram Lalla temple. It had been cordoned off and cars were not allowed in the periphery for security reasons.

The streets we walked through were newly furbished and spic and span. But, they still had the quaintness of old Ayodhya with street lamps and small shops lining each side. We walked along with the rest of the people going to the temple, carrying their orange flags and chanting “Jai Shree Ram.”

My daughter feared she would get lost in the crowds, like the fabled Kumbh Mela story. So, she held on to me tight — a tender moment between father and daughter. I felt a sense of closeness with her again. Being a teenager now, she has a mind of her own, but this act showed she still needed her father.

Walking through the crowded yet beautiful lanes of Ayodhya

I guess the temple didn’t just bring Hindus together, but families as well!

After being whisked at the temple entrance, we made our way through a side entrance and saw swarms of people. They had waited in line for hours, to get a glimpse of the Lord. It was majestic and grand, and we soaked it all in, as we walked through the newly-built temple corridors.

People were almost being carried away by the crowds toward the temple. Many devotees had come walking to the temple from their hometowns across India. They had been on the roads for days at a stretch. It took us back to yesteryears, when pilgrims came to holy places by foot, not by train or plane.

The common sentiment among people was that the temple has been built after waiting hundreds of years and we’re lucky to witness it in our lifetime. As we approached the temple, we walked up a ramp through a secret door and were greeted by the temple’s beautiful grandeur and stunning architecture.

Artisans from all over India had worked to create this marvel.

As we moved further ahead in the queue, we got a glimpse of the Lord in his innocent glory. It was an emotional experience as we looked at his enchanting face. My daughter held on close to me and did not complain one bit. She was so happy to be there.

We finally got upfront and took in the magnificent sight of the Lord. His beautiful outfit, the glittering jewels and the various puja accessories were made with detail and care…

Glimpses of Lord Ram’s grandeur grace the corridors of the Ram Temple

They all had a story to tell!

The face appeared as if it had changed after the consecration by our prime minister a few weeks ago. Lord Rama looked all grown up now, ready to welcome its devotees. We just stood there transfixed by His gaze. We forgot what we wanted to pray for and simply sought blessings.

We then passed the main corridor through golden gates, and took photographs on the balcony with friends and family. We couldn’t get enough of it all. So, we took back memories in our hearts through the many photographs with the temple in the backdrop.

My daughter was excitedly making reels for social media. We spent a little time in the corridors soaking in the positive vibrations. We finally exited the temple precincts with prasad in our hand and chants in our hearts. Divinity had definitely touched us…

A lifetime experience we will never forget!

The next day we toured the city. We visited the Sita temple which had ornate carvings. We strolled through the town, indulged in the local chaat, and were often accompanied by monkeys.

Monkeys of Ayodhya providing playful company at the Sita Temple

Our next stop was Saryu ghat for a river cruise. A local guide told us about the significance of the sites we viewed. We admired the cleanliness of this small temple town, and the infrastructure created to make it such a tourist-friendly place.

On the boat ride, I sat with my daughter, and felt a strange sense of calm. This feeling was followed by a soulful aarti on the banks of the river. Thousands of people had gathered there after the river cruise. We immersed ourselves in the blissful experience.

My daughter, the inquisitive photographer, delighting in the Saryu River cruise

It was like going back to the golden era, and I wondered if we were, indeed, on the cusp of a new golden age. Lost in my thoughts, my daughter suddenly said, “Look dad, drones.” To our surprise there was a light show planned on the ghats. It was well-synchronized with the sunset.

The lights danced to the beats of the music composed with lyrics praising Lord Rama.

Everyone was on their feet dancing. There were hundreds of diyas lit on the ghats and people were taking a dip in the river. What’s more the night hadn’t ended yet… This was followed by a cultural show with live singers from across India, organized by the tourism board.

The enchanting laser light show on the banks of the Saryu River

The cold weather and day’s activities had not exhausted my daughter. She was happily ready for more. We danced and sang and chanted with everyone, as if we were at a rock concert, and then finally headed back to the hotel.

We had experienced more than we had imagined.

Spiritual travel in India is definitely on the rise, and Ayodhya has been designed for all generations. Perhaps, that’s why my daughter enjoyed it so much.

When we were young, visiting such places was an ordeal. Small temple towns were dirty and disorganized. But, times have changed, and the future generations will love to visit such places.

Idyllic idols and murals adorning the streets of Ayodhya

As we got ready to leave, my daughter asked me if we could stay a bit longer, but I told her we didn’t have time. I promised her we would come back some day.

We then left for the airport, silent and peaceful, a sense of contentment, bliss and togetherness — only a divine experience leaves you with!

As a SoulDad, my goal is to support families on their path of spiritual and individual growth. I achieve this by sharing my own experiences and encouraging others to do the same through leaving comments or creating their own blogs about their journey.

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Additionally, here’s a list of my past blogs that may help you help your child grow and evolve in these changing but still delightful times

Finding Strength Within: 5 Practical Tips to Help Navigate Life’s Low Points
Creating a Foundation for Spiritual Success: Steps to Take Before Embarking on Your Journey
Transforming Gossip into Growth




Join me, an avid blogger & entrepreneur, on my journey of self-discovery as a devoted father & son. Sharing experiences & wisdom on entrepreneurship, parenting