A Journey toward Self-Realisation

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3 min readMar 1, 2018
Image Source: Pixabay.com

A child helps you grow up…

Before the child came into your life, it was all about you, and your needs.

Once a child is born, and takes up that special place in your life and heart, you have no choice but to expand yourself and open up to new life experiences.

After my separation with my ex-wife, I went through a dark phase, one that showed me a side of myself that I wasn’t very happy about.

I then realised I needed to work on myself from the inside-out… I needed to rebuild my life all over again.

Emotions and patterns of behaviour that had worked in the past were no longer gong to suffice.

That’s when I embarked on a spiritual journey…

As I walked on the spiritual path, my approach to life, relationships, and parenting completely changed.

I became more aware of my experiences and interactions, and more conscious about what I said and did.

In some sense, I began to add ‘soul’ back into my life.

This journey of transformation has begun…

I have now moved from a state of not knowing to being comfortable in the knowledge that life is about constantly learning, letting go, and embracing the now.

It’s this move from resistance and denial to acceptance and calm that has helped me become a more soulful friend, son, father and businessman.

Soul Dads is a platform to share my many experiences, give them perspective, and gain a better understanding of life’s many facets, both for myself and readers.

As I introspect, share my journey and express myself, I gain insight on my self, what I need to let go of or hold on to.

More than being a cathartic experience, writing helps me connect with so many individuals across the world, who resonate with my thoughts and probably have similar experiences.

As I archive my growth as an individual and father on Soul Dads, and try to impact the lives of others, I invite you to join me in my journey… Together, let’s add more soul to the world!

Read more about my life and experiences by following me on Soul Dads…

Chetan Shah, Founder, Soul Dads

About Me

I started my education in an English-medium school in India. I later went to Boston for my university education and obtained a bachelor’s in business administration from Bentley University.

After graduation, I returned to India and joined the family business of clothing and apparels. Born and bred in Mumbai, India, most of my experiences are based on my background as an Indian. I share my experiences so as to reach out to others in similar situations… Together we can alleviate the other’s pain and uplift each other.




Join me, an avid blogger & entrepreneur, on my journey of self-discovery as a devoted father & son. Sharing experiences & wisdom on entrepreneurship, parenting