Your Life is full of Miracles…Notice them

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6 min readApr 17, 2020
Image by Rondell Melling from Pixabay

Recently I watched the animated movie Onward, about characters living in a parallel universe, with the ability to do witchcraft or wizardry. This is also referred to as occult sciences in the East, and was done in the earlier ages, but has now disappeared because of technology, and its misuse by some people.

The story of Onward, in a nutshell, is about children who lost their father at a young age, and then tried using witchcraft to bring him back to life. When they succeeded, they were extremely happy, but had to finally send him back to his world.

Like the movie, there comes a time in our lives, when we lose someone and try to bring them back, only to realise later that they were perhaps taken away for a reason…

When I got divorced from my wife, I was bitter about her abandoning our daughter. But today I feel, perhaps, because she sacrificed her parenthood, I was gifted the opportunity to grow as a person and parent.

When I look around, I realise children of broken homes suffer the maximum collateral damage. No one asks them who they want to be with, even though they may want to be with both. They also live with the stigma of having only ‘one’ parent, when in fact both parents are alive, just not together.

Also, has anyone reassured their children, that the other parent will appear like magic, whenever needed, instead of making it seem like that parent has gone away forever?

Think about how so many children are praying every night to see magic in their lives…

My daughter hadn’t spoken to her mother for over a year during the separation, and she was missing her terribly. That’s when I decided to put aside my petty differences, and told her to pick up the phone, and call her mother.

They both said hello and broke down… For my daughter just speaking to her mother was a magical moment.

They both eventually met, and now continue to meet. A single use of the phone bridged the gap and any miscommunication between the two… My daughter is now reassured that she has access to both her parents.

Magic is not in the air somewhere; magic is in you and me.

So often, when we want something badly, or don’t want something to happen, things pan out exactly the way we planned, isn’t that also magical?

And, we can bring this magic into our lives, and the lives of those around us, at any point… But, because we are so consumed by our thoughts and emotions, we forget what we are capable of.

Magic is created when you want the well-being of others over yourself.

When you spread love and compassion to all, it goes a long way… It has a domino effect and touches many lives.

For instance, parents often sacrifice so much to make things work out for their kids, and their act become magical for the child.

When I volunteer for social causes, I often discover that I go beyond my limitations, and see my inner magic. Even blogging helps me touch the lives of others in a small but meaningful way…

Perhaps, someone is depressed or going through a similar situation, just by reading uplifting words, they begin to see hope once again.

We can use our inner technology to create magic within us and around us…

The magic within cannot be accessed if we are ourselves are in a mess, emotionally and psychologically. Thus, we need to use tools like yoga and meditation to find balance and calm, before we create magic for the outside world.

Also, all of us may not be able to impact the whole world, but we can definitely start at home with our parents, children, family and friends.

For instance, I had stopped visiting my grandmother once I got caught up with work and family. Then, one day, I visited her when her son — my uncle — passed away. For those few moments or hours, I was so happy sitting by her side, nothing else mattered.

I could see the joy and temporary relief she got from my presence, even though she was pained by the loss of her son. I now make it a point to visit her every chance I get.

The magic potion within us is unlimited…freely available and accessible.

All you need to do is decide to use it, right now when you’re alive, because it will get deactivated once you’re gone!

You can use this time of the lockdown to identify what your magical powers are… Figure out how you can heal yourself first, and then others. Perhaps, through words of comfort, or deeds of kindness, or even just by praying for the well-being of the world!

Tell your friends and family how much they mean to you, and watch their expression turn magical! This is the gift of wizardry the creator has given us — to spread magic to the lives of those around us.

Each one of us can spread magic by sharing freely of what we know.

Spiritually unlocked a lot of inhibitions and fears within me… I am now able to share more freely of my life and experiences, as I know the only person judging me is me, nothing else or no one else on the outside can block my progress.

There is so much magic within us waiting to be discovered, but we still look outside at external things to give us the much-needed push…

Life is indeed too short and uncertain to hold onto your magic…

Perhaps, we can start in a small way — with friends and family, or neighbours who need our help or support?

I had a building friend who I grew up with… Then as time passed, we got busy in our individual lives. After many years, I bumped into her again, and she looked frail and weak. I asked her if she was OK, and she said she was, but I knew she wasn’t.

I was in a rush that day, so I left hurriedly. Then, one day, I heard she was sick in the hospital, and the next day, she passed away. I did not keep my word of calling her, and I felt deep regret… I could have called, but I didn’t, and now she’s gone!

This episode made me realise how important it is for us to act quickly, and spread the magic of joyfulness, to as many people as we can.

When I took to spirituality the magic in me began to blossom

Spirituality taught me how to be mindful about my own life, as well as the lives of those around me. I took control of my thoughts and emotions, and instead of being a problem to others, I started to become the solution.

My daughter started seeing this side of me, and soon imbibed these qualities herself… She has become more thoughtful about everyone around her — helping kids younger than her, and also helping in the house.

Hence, it’s important to make the environment your children grow up in magical as well — by encouraging them to make the impossible happen, and showering them with love and affection to show them how special they are.

Moreover, the pandemic shows us that life is short, and it’s time we made it magical by dipping into our storehouses of magic, and becoming the luminous beings we were meant to be!

So, spread your love and compassion wherever you go, do it in small ways and big, and see how your acts become magical for others!

To help you shine your brilliant magic, we recently launched the #GharSeIndia #ShareKaroCareKaro movement on Facebook and Instagram… If you have any stories to share, an expertise/skill/knowledge or wisdom to impart, feel free to do so through videos, images, blogs or memes… Let your magic spread around the world in minutes, lifting the spirit of all around you!
#GharSeIndia #ShareKaroCareKaro #ShineKaro #MagicKaro




Join me, an avid blogger & entrepreneur, on my journey of self-discovery as a devoted father & son. Sharing experiences & wisdom on entrepreneurship, parenting