5 Design Tips for your Branding Strategy in 2018

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
3 min readJan 10, 2018

Whether you’re re-branding your company or simply coming up with a social media strategy, here are our five tips for standing out and making a statement with your design in 2018.

It’s that time of year — the new year. All business owners sit down and strategize with our team about achievements we expect in the next 365 days. Mostly, we focus on financials, growth goals, and quotas met; but let’s not forget the very-important branding strategy. Your social media outreach can easily help you attain your goals, or it can hinder your overall achievements. When thinking about your branding strategy in 2018, keep these 5 tips in mind.

  1. Less is more.

Long gone are the days of clutter, but you already know that. Take it a step farther in 2018, and think minimalist. Simple fonts, crisp logos, clear colors, etc. Don’t go overboard with your branding strategy — keep it simple. Simplicity evokes trust in your customers. With a minimalist design, you are portraying transparency, honestly, and a no-gimmick approach. You’re not trying to hide behind all the clutter. You product speaks for itself.

2. Use muted colors.

Instead of the bold blue on the left, think of a more muted color such as the one on the right. Using a muted color evokes professionalism, and control; something your customers are seeking in your professional services. As a side tip, steer clear of bright red.

“If you can’t make it pretty, make it red.” -Every designer.

3. Clear messaging, legible fonts.

I love playing around with fonts. I think they’re the best way to evoke emotion within the branding process. That being said, I would advise keeping 80% of your brand messages in a clear, bold, large, legible font in 2018. For example:

Another example is the header image of this post. Large, simple, legible (and maybe even Serif) fonts are in favor this year — use them.

4. White Space

White space is such a powerful tool. Even Medium utilizes it here on this platform. Don’t be afraid of white space. Again, it emphasizes clarity, transparency, and simplicity; something that will bring customers in opposed to shewing them away.

5. Bold Imagery

Now that we’ve discussed the minimalist approach in all of the other facets of your 2018 branding: colors, fonts, and white space; don’t be afraid to be bold with the images you use this year. As in 2017, 2018 promises to be a divisive year, no matter where you stand. Don’t be afraid to address what’s going on in the world around you — bold imagery will let your customers know that you’re plugged in to everything around you. It also can be a powerful tool to make a stand as a business.

We hope that you take these tips into 2018. If you need any help with design or implementation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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Soul Graphics: The Blog

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