How to capitalize on your keywords [SEO tips]

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
2 min readApr 11, 2018

If you’re trying to grow your business, you’ve likely heard a lot about keywords and search engine optimization (SEO). Really, it’s an important business aspect to focus on.

When you’re working hard on a beautiful website, marketing campaign, or social media presence, it’s extremely disappointing when it doesn’t pay off.

That’s where the focus on keywords/SEO becomes paramount.

There are many different ways to improve your find-ability online. First, you need to know what your keywords are. We walk through a free way to analyze the best keywords for your business on our YouTube channel. Once you know your keywords, then you need to incorporate them into all of your content.

Blogging: We hear it all the time: you need a blog (or thought leadership page, etc.) to boost your SEO. And it’s true. When you’re writing content, make sure to use your keywords throughout your copy around three times. Anything less won’t have an impact, anything more can make you seem like a bot.

Back-end Website: Did you know that each of your images on your site has a title? Now that websites are becoming far more image heavy versus text heavy, you’ll need to adjust. Take advantage of all of those images and rename them to your various keywords. You can also incorporate your keywords through captions, tags, metadata, and page headers.

Website Copy: This may be a no-brainer, but evaluate your current website copy. Do you see your keywords integrated throughout? It’s easy to get so detailed in your industry jargon you forget that your keywords need to be utilized correctly.

Keyword Analysis Tools: There are a lot of plugins you can utilize for keyword analysis. Yoast is a popular and simple option. However, nothing will replace your diligence and focus on SEO so make sure you’re not too reliant upon any tool. Your expertise and voice are essential to gaining engaged supporters.

SEO is a task all related to consistency, which is why it can be harder to achieve great results. Give yourself the time and patience to do the job right and you’ll start to see the payoff.

Soul Graphics can also help with you SEO. Reach out if you’d like help understanding your keywords or improving your content.

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Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog

#WebDesign | #LogoDesign | #SEO Soul Graphics specializes in small business websites, logo design, website maintenance, SEO and e-commerce website design.