How to utilize holidays in your marketing plan

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
2 min readMay 28, 2018

When working on content calendars for clients, we often suggest they fill in the basic US holidays first. Why? One, it’s easy go-to inspiration for content when you’re struggling for something fresh. And two, you really want to be aware of special days to avoid looking tone-deaf. For example, you certainly don’t want to post anything chipper and superficial on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

How do you make sure you hit the mark with holiday marketing?

Take advantage of the day and showcase your company personality. Now is the time to illustrate your personality. Whether satirical, sympathetic, or humorous in tone, you can show off a more authentic side of your business. It’s not always about selling, and a holiday provides and opportunity to have potential clients see a different side of your company.

Use a holiday to explore company values. Evaluate what your company cares about and market around holidays that are consistent with your priorities. Many big-name businesses celebrated International Women’s Day this year and it was an all-around feel good idea. Take stock of your company mission and celebrate days that align with with the shared values.

Refresh your brand with seasonal colors. It’s easy to get stuck in the same branding cycle. You want your marketing to have consistency, but sometimes that can lead to a stale look. Have fun with seasonal changes and try to mix up your color scheme. We use our logos in cheeky ways around Halloween. See what feels right to you and mix it up.

Consider company wide charity work and publicize the event. Holidays are a great time to give back. Partner with a charitable organization and market the event. This is a win-win for both you and the organization. You’re able to provide a charitable service, illustrate your philanthropy and give a voice to another organization. Great all around!

How do you incorporate the holidays into your marketing? Let us know!

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Soul Graphics: The Blog

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