How to Write Good Blog Posts [4 Easy Tips]

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
2 min readMar 9, 2018

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting energy into something and getting nothing out. I know a lot of our clients feel this way about blogging.

People are often told all the benefits of blogging and how it can improve your website SEO tremendously. And that’s true. But the key to really enaging others doesn’t just exist with pushing out content and calling it good. You need to reach your audience.

There are many ways to do this simply through your writing: explain a personal story, write about a timely, trending topic, address pain-points, focus on your unique knowledge. However, we see a lot of simple missed opportunities in the blogging world. Simple tweaks can take your blogging to the next level and it likely won’t take longer than five minutes.

If you’re trying to boost your online prescence and/or improve your SEO, make sure you’re doing the following:

  1. Lead with an engaging image: i.e. avoid boring stock photos — we beg you! Attention spans are dwindling and you have to peak interest to get any sort of engagement. Eye-catching images are a must. We like unsplash and pexels for free, great imagery.
  2. Clarify your titles: make sure you bracket your titles. For example: How to Close Every Deal [3 examples]. The use of a bracketed, clarified title has been shown to increase readership. Take the guess work out of your writing for others and watch your readership improve.
  3. Utilize white space: using lists, bullets, or sectioned text will help your readers avoid overwhelm. If your blog comes across as a text book, you’re not going to gain any traction.
  4. Include a call-to-action: once you have others reading your work, you want them to utlimately go back to your business. Otherwise, all of your hard work is going to float out into internet black holes. Throughout or at the end, ask for a follow, like, phone call, email… something. If users are reading your work, they’re likely interested in your business. Don’t miss an opportunity by not having clear next steps listed.

See, that’s not too painful is it? These slight upgrades can elevate your blog to build your business. If you simply hate blogging, we can help you out. Soul Graphics loves helping other businesses get their voices heard.

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Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog

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