Keeping Business Momentum Going in the Summer

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
3 min readMay 2, 2018

Summer, summer, time. Ah, it’s getting warmer. Beaches are calling. Pina Coladas are calling (am I right??).

And the to-do list isn’t getting shorter.

Yes, summer is basically here and it’s easy to get distracted by trip planning and tempting patio weather. After our first winter (a mild one, we must admit) in our new location, Crestone, Colorado, the Soul Graphics team is getting a little itchy for some summer fun.

But it’s imperative to not loose sight of annual goals. We had a team meeting to come up with some focusing tips for the warm months and wanted to share them to help other businesses stay on a positive trajectory. Read through for some quick, helpful ideas.

  1. Be disciplined with a weekly team meeting: we’re pretty religious about our weekly meetings. We always touch base for an hour, first thing Monday morning. And I’ve noticed if the team meeting gets pushed to another date, it effects our whole week. When vacation time and summer breaks come into play, these weekly meeting are even more important.
  2. Set task and deadline reminders: personally, I am a to-do list person. I cannot walk into a grocery store without jotting down my list. I’m a little crazy about it. I know not everyone works that way, but as there are in and outs in the office, reminders become more important. Utilize your calendar alerts or CRM reminders. They’ve become my lifesaver.
  3. Plan trips in advance: while spontaneous long weekends are enticing, planning trips in advance can help your team prepare for being down a teammate. Giving advance notice to clients will help manage expectations while you’re out of the office. The anticipation of a trip is also an added bonus!
  4. Lean into the beauty; consider summer hours: depending on your industry, you may want to think about embracing the summer months and having summer hours. This is an excellent perk for employees and motivator to work smart, not hard. Soul Graphics is a big proponent of this. Don’t let the most efficient team member be punished for great time management — reward it!
  5. Take advantage of a more casual climate with your clients: your clients are probably craving a summer experience just like you are. Instead of office meetings, try a patio or park meet-up. An extra hour of sun time helps everyone.

Remember, life is short. You can enjoy your life and build your business. It just takes a little planning and a lot of intention.

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Soul Graphics: The Blog

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