What we’ve learned from launching our ebook [a summary]

Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog
3 min readApr 25, 2018

Ebooks have been on trend for quite some time now. It’s an excellent marketing option and we were really excited to launch ours last week.

Now, getting across the finish line wasn’t so seamless. We went back and forth on ideas, titles, design elements and themes. It’s extremely easy to let a book sit in your mind, endlessly thinking of ideas, but not executing them.

We certainly delayed waiting for a perfect thought, moment, idea. Finally, we had enough and pushed the book forward. And we’re thrilled to have the information out there for others to learn. (Go here for a free copy of Creating a Effective Website: Laying the Foundation)

That being said, we know it’s not simple to get to the published-zone and wanted to detail the items we’ve learned from both our book launch and our clients’ launches.

Now, obviously you want to write within your expertise. So, pick a topic that you know inside and out and one that will help others. Find a pain point and stick with that. We used the basic website education pieces for our inspiration. It will help those looking to redesign their websites or those who are starting from scratch.

Second, please, please: create a beautiful cover. The trite expression: judging a book by its’ cover, exists for a reason. Utilize bold, evocative imagery to gain interest. It’s probably worth hiring a graphic designer to make sure you have an eye-catching design. You don’t want to spend enormous time writing something that no one will end up reading.

Then, watch your book length! Some writers can over-explain and that is not what you want for an ebook. You need an easily digestible topic and straightforward tips. We’re not working on a college textbook here. Make sure to keep the book under 100 pages (I’m actually partial to under 50, but this is a personal preference).

Take advantage of white space. Enough said.

Evaluate your font choices. You definitely want to speak with authority, so pick a professional, clean font. However, if you’re in a creative industry: say cooking or youth education, you can bring out your playful side. If you’re living in tax world, you probably want to stick with something more traditional.

Lastly, always make sure to have a company biography and/or information included. And always make sure to have a call to action at the end. If you have an interested reader that makes it through your ebook, you better nurture that lead! Allow your new fan to engage in some of your other marketing materials or reach out for help. This is an excellent time to engage with a potential client.

If writing your ebook sounds tedious, let us help! We love helping others build their brands and businesses. Drop us a line.

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Soul Graphics
Soul Graphics: The Blog

#WebDesign | #LogoDesign | #SEO Soul Graphics specializes in small business websites, logo design, website maintenance, SEO and e-commerce website design.